Your Husband is not Your Prophet

Last August I wrote the first in a three-part series about why the commonly-parroted phrase that “your husband is the prophet, priest, and king of the home” is unbiblical. I…

Your Husband is not Your Priest

Having spent many years in complementarian and patriarchal circles, I often heard the teaching that “Husbands are to be prophets, priests, and kings in their homes”. I didn’t question it…

015: Young Women and Christian Ministry with Hannah Bowers

Hannah Bowers is a 21 year old wife, new mama, blogger, and the president and founder of the fast-growing Young Wives Club, a ministry dedicated to encouraging young wives in…

You Weren’t a Fool to Feed Your Infant Baby Cereal

  If there is something I am incredibly tired of, it is the mommy wars. Anyone who follows my blog knows me as that girl who is always exposing the…

YOLO (But it’s Forever) ~A Guest Post by Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers’ excellent newest book, Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed released today and in celebration of its launch, Alisa…

Yes, Women can be Leaders, Too!

  In my recent article on “What is Biblical Womanhood?” I emphasized the point that the egalitarian and complementarian camps are both wrong in certain areas, and I issued forth…

Would the Real Jesus Christ Please Stand Up? – Guest Post from Lindsey Falls

I am delighted to have my friend, Lindsay Falls, join me here on the blog today to share her words of wisdom with us. You may remember Lindsay from episode…

How to be in the Word as a Busy Wife and Mama

I had the pleasure of guest-posting for my sweet friend, Jenn, back in March, when I shared about the importance of wives and moms being in the Word. I’m back…

Women Teaching Men: What Does the Bible Actually Say?

  In our recent series on Biblical manhood and womanhood (you can find the other articles here and here), we have been addressing the fact that it is crucial for…

The Involvement of Women in the Ministry of Jesus

For one reason or another, we have often been led to believe for centuries now that women are supposed to be on the outside looking in of Christian ministry and…

Featured Products


The weekly Saturday Morning Savor e-mail newsletter is just like the blog and podcast in that it is fashioned in such a way so as to help women live out Biblical womanhood in light of the gospel. Containing a round up of my favorite products, blog posts, and podcasts from the last week as well as a short devotional thought on a topic the Lord has been dealing with me on, it is sure to become a newsletter that you will look forward to receiving each Saturday morning. So brew yourself a cup of coffee or tea, pull up a chair, and savor it! You’re also going to receive project updates before anyone else, be privy to behind-the-scenes looks at what we’re doing at Hargraves Home and Hearth, and receive coupon codes and freebies along the way!

On The Blog

July 2024 Scripture Writing Plan: Luke 24-John 5

  We are wrapping up what has been a great month of Scripture writing journeying through chapters 21-24 of the book of Luke. We have walked through the latter days…

220: Rethinking the Church’s Approach to the LGBTQIA+ Community with Jen Crowder

  Jen Crowder is a wife, mom of 4, physical therapist, and founder of the ministry She is Emboldened. She has a heart for both the body of Christ and…

June 2024 Scripture Writing Plan: Luke 21-24

  We are wrapping up what has been a great month of Scripture writing journeying through chapters 16-21 of the book of Luke. We have walked through the middle days…

Resource Review: The Weekly Habits Project: A Challenge to Journal, Reflect, and Make Tiny Changes for Big Results (The Weekly Project Series) from Zondervan

For the past several months, the Lord has had me on a journey with Him as I am learning more and more the importance of putting into place daily and…

May 2024 Scripture Writing Plan: Luke 16-21

  *As our family is currently packing up to prepare to move, it completely slipped my mind what day it was and I failed to release May’s plan before May…

Book Review: “Seen, Secure, Free: How a Life Hidden with Christ Strengthens and Transforms You” by Allison Allen

    I am always excited to read and review a book that I think will be relevant and applicable to my audience, and that was certainly the case when…