053: Living by the Spirit as an Overcomer with Lindsey Falls

The Home and Hearth Podcast Episode 53: Living by the Spirit as an Overcomer with Lindsey Falls

Lindsey Falls, a wife, mama to 3 boys, writer, servant of God, and stay-at-home mama joins me on the Home and Hearth podcast today to share her passion for the truth that we are overcomers in Christ who can live lives of victory by the Spirit.

What we Chat about in This Episode:

~Why Lindsey is so passionate about the message of victory and living as an overcomer in Christ; what led her to this point

~The wrong view Lindsey had of suffering and what the Bible says about it

~Taking thoughts captive

~What it means to be an overcomer in Christ living a life of victory and what that looks like in Lindsey’s own life

~Taking the theology you say you believe and actually having it sink down deep into your bones to change your everyday life

~Lindsey’s personal story of how the Lord has brought about victory in her marriage

~Wrong ideas regarding “Biblical womanhood”, roles in marriage, and how they relate to our walk with the Lord; how these myths hinder our victory

~Living life as a victorious overcomer in the area of motherhood

~Living life on mission – what that means and how it looks for Lindsey

~Walking by the Spirit and how to get started doing so in the every day

~Some of the greatest hindrances to walking by the Spirit in victory as an overcomer

~Things to be mindful of when it comes to spiritual warfare; the importance of the armor of God

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

My free 7 day email course on “Womanhood by God’s Design”

Dance, Stand, Run: The God-Inspired Moves of a Woman on Holy Ground by Jess Connolly

Lindsey’s article for Propel Women

Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine

The Bait of Satan: Living Free From the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere

Inspiring Quotes from Lindsey:

“He wants us to live free and to have authority over what is going on in our minds. He doesn’t want us living in defeat, but instead to live out His design for us to live in victory.”

“When God teaches us something, we need to give it away and have it help others, too.”

“You can take authority over your thoughts.”

“We never struggle without a key to the kingdom in that area.”

“In our marriage, we learned we need to love each other for who we were today, and not for who we hoped the other person would be one day.”

“My husband’s level of spirituality is not to be my glass ceiling.”

“Living a life of victory is not perfectionism.”

“For many of us, prayer is talking to God, but it’s also listening to God.”

“I try to not make a big deal out of the devil. I make a big deal out of Jesus.”

Where You Can Find Lindsey Online:

Website – Lindsey Falls

Instagram – @lindseyfalls

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