056: Experiencing God Through Verse Mapping Part 1 with Kristy Cambron

Kristy Cambron is wife to Jeremy, mama to 3 sons, fiction author, Bible study writer, women’s ministry leader, and lover of Jesus who is passionate about equipping women to grow in their walk with the Lord through the practice of verse mapping.

What we Chat about in This Episode:

~What verse mapping is and how to do it

~How Kristy got started verse mapping and the impact it has had on her walk with the Lord

~How Kristy’s love for art, history, and Jesus led to what she does today

~Kristy’s journey out of working in corporate America and into being a Bible study teacher and author

~How verse mapping has helped Kristy be in the Word more, even as a busy woman

~Grace for the season of life you’re in

~How *wanting* to be in the Word will bear a lot more fruit than thinking you *have* to be in the Word

~Fascinating cultural, historical, and other tidbits Kristy has discovered in the Word, specifically because of verse mapping

~Creating verse mapping groups

~The importance of following the leading of the Holy Spirit in our Bible study

~How the Bible is the only book that, when you read it, the Author is right there with you

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Castle on the Rise, Kristy’s brand new novel just released this month

Giveaway on Instagram for a copy of Kristy’s workbook and DVD Bible study bundle on verse mapping Acts

Inspiring Quotes from Kristy:

“We end up looking back, seeing pivotal markers in our walk with the Lord, and realizing those markers were seemingly ordinary days that we didn’t even know would end up sparking huge change.”

“The hardest step in leaving corporate America to follow God’s call was not in taking the leap and leaving. It was in the day-to-day faithfulness that followed of choosing to be obedient, falling down, getting back up, and saying I’m going to keep going no matter how hard this gets.”

“I want my Bible to be well-travelled in my heart.”

“He’s not saying we have to be in the Word for an hour every morning. He is just saying He wants some time with His kids.”

“Verse mapping is not dependent on the environment. It’s just dependent on spending time with the Lord.”

“There is so much to discover in the Word, and verse mapping made me curious about setting out to discover it all.”

“We can understand the Word, love it, and share it with other people.”

“We may think we are lost in life or broken, but God knew exactly where we were going to be, and He sends sweet little reminders of love to us as His kids.”

“We just want to turn the spotlight on Jesus. It’s not about our backroads; it’s about what God will do with them.”

Where You Can Find Kristy Online:

Website – Kristy Cambron

Instagram – @kristycambron

Facebook – Kristy Cambron

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