064: Finding the Mission and Purpose in the Ordinary Part 1 with Tabitha Panariso

Tabitha Panariso is a wife, stay-at-home mom of 3, and writer who joins me on the Home and Hearth Podcast today to share her passion for encouraging women to find the mission and purpose in the ordinary moments of everyday life.

What we Chat about in This Episode:

~Making the most of the place, season, calling, and life that you are in, to the glory of God; the journey the Lord has had Tabitha on to come to this way of thinking

~Never planning or desiring to be a stay-at-home mom, and what brought Tabitha from being a school counselor to where she is today as a mom working at home; the grieving process she went through during that transition

~Finding our identity not in our work, but in Christ

~The prison of basing your identity in what you do

~The little idols we erect all the time – clean homes, perfect quiet times, etc. and how God prioritizes our relationship with Him above everything else

~What intentionality looks like in Tabitha’s day-to-day life

~Striking a balance between focusing solely on your internal world and focusing solely on your external

~Taking thoughts captive, what that looks for Tabitha in her everyday life, and how that practice aids her in her desire to live intentionally

~The lies of the “self-help” gospel and the idea that we are enough on our own

~Fleeing temptation in our everyday lives

~Help, hope, and encouragement for the mom who feels stuck at home in the seemingly mundane everyday moments

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

My free 7 day motherhood email course entitled “Mothering by the Book”

Tabitha’s episode on Emily Thomas’ The Struggle Well Project podcast – “Unfiltered Faith”

Dressed to Kill: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare and Armor by Rick Renner

Armor of God Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer

Inspiring Quotes from Tabitha:

“It does come hard to me to show up everyday to do the mom thing, the domestic thing. I remind myself every day that I don’t ‘have to’ – I ‘get to’.”

“God is so patient with us, changing our thinking and our hearts so slowly over time. He begins to plant a seed of change, gives us opportunities to say yes and be obedient, and changes our hearts through that obedience. It’s often a slow process, and that’s grace.”

“I had to die to the identity I had built up out of my career, my job, and my sense of performance and accomplishment in what I did. I had to realize that my identity had nothing to do with my title, and everything to do with God and who I am in Him already, regardless of where I am.”

“We end up looking to our external world to see what we are accomplishing and what God is doing, when really the bulk of what God is doing is in our internal world, in our hearts.”

“Taking our thoughts captive has a lot to do with what we allow into our homes – what we are watching, what we are listening to, who we are following on social media.”

“‘Stuck’ is just a feeling. It’s not a fact.”

“There is a difference between believing God and believing in God. We can believe God that we have been made perfect in His image, made into more than overcomers, and been given the victory already.”

Where You Can Find Tabitha Online:

Website – Tabitha Panariso

Instagram – @tabithapanariso

Facebook – Tabitha Panariso

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