065: Finding the Mission and Purpose in the Ordinary Part 2 with Tabitha Panariso

Tabitha Panariso is a wife, stay-at-home mom of 3, and writer who joins me on the Home and Hearth Podcast again today to share more of her passion for encouraging women to find the mission and purpose in the ordinary moments of everyday life.

What we Chat about in This Episode:

~What it looks like for Tabitha as a stay-at-home mom of 3 littles to use her own unique gifts in this season and context she’s in right now

~Advancing the kingdom through home and family life

~Looking for opportunities and letting go of the excuses to use your gifts in the midst of motherhood

~Seeking to build your own platform vs. sitting back, being faithful, and allowing God the space to advance your work for His glory

~Believing God to take care of us, have perfect timing, and have our best interests at heart when it comes to the work of our hands

~The huge impact of reaching and changing just one life

~What it looks like to actually believe in and live out the abundant life Christ came to give us in the midst of our daily struggles and challenges

~Getting past comparison, competition, and being easily offended

~The mommy wars and the defensive posture they produce in us

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

My free 7 day motherhood email course entitled “Mothering by the Book”

Obedience Over Hustle by Malinda Fuller (who is coming on the podcast in September!)

Inspiring Quotes from Tabitha:

“It’s amazing how God can use technology and our words there to express His power – just as He does in face-to-face communication.”

“We have been deceived into thinking that numbers equals influence.”

“Truly, the abundant life is just less of me and more of Jesus.”

“We’ve gotten it wrong and equated abundance to our external circumstances – our possessions, lack of suffering, etc. But, truly, true abundance comes on the inside.”

“As a stay-at-home mom, the more I’m serving the people around me, the more abundant my life feels because of what God is doing in and through that service.”

“You want to know why there is so much heartache and suffering and why people can’t get along with one another? Because we have not yet gotten over ourselves.”

“Comparison and offense come from a place of not truly knowing the other person as a person.”

“Find the place where you can truly champion other people.”

“We always say that Instagram is a highlight reel, and yet I wonder – do we actually live as if we truly realize that is all it is?”

“When we are always living in a reactive, protective, defensive posture, it becomes really hard for us to get back into the ring and find victory. And God has empowered us already to not live a life of defensiveness.”

“There are bigger, more important fights to be fought than over whether or not so-and-so vaccinates.”

Where You Can Find Tabitha Online:

Website – Tabitha Panariso’s newsletter

Instagram – @tabithapanariso

Facebook – Tabitha Panariso

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