070: Substance Abuse and Freedom in Christ with Porcia Baxter

Porcia Baxter is a wife, mama of two little boys, and speaker with a passion to see others freed by Christ just as she has been. On today’s episode of the Home and Hearth Podcast, she shares her amazing testimony of being freed by Christ from a 17-year-long addiction to alcohol and drugs. You will walk away from this chat with hope in your heart and your faith built up!


What we Chat about in This Episode:

~Porcia’s childhood and growing up years of trying hard to be liked and accepted by others

~How not knowing who she was and trying to find her worth led to her striving for perfection and seeking to perform well; thinking she had to be good at things in order to be a good and productive person

~Being bi-racial and treating everyone as your equals as fellow image bearers of God; how members of the church can be better about coming alongside people who look different from them and truly being the body of Christ to them; living as Jesus did with others

~How Porcia was first introduced to alcohol (in 8th grade) and drugs (in 9th grade), and how her parents first discovered the problem

~Busting some of the myths surrounding those battling drug and alcohol addiction

~How things began to unravel, and what led to Porcia’s first stay in rehab

~How not knowing who she was in Christ led to Porcia’s relapse 

~The importance of loving those who are battling addiction

~What Porcia’s life looks like now

~The unconditional love of God

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Teen Challenge

The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose for Your Life by Oz Guinness

More Than a Conqueror: From the Death-Grip of Addiction to a Life of Purpose, Passion, and Hope by Porcia Baxter

If you are in need of a Christian counselor, check out FaithFul Counseling.


Inspiring Quotes from Porcia:

“Remember how Jesus spoke about leaving the 99 to go in search of the 1, and ask yourself, ‘Who is the one in my life? Who is the one who needs a friend, who needs the love of Christ?’”

“Sin does have its pleasure for a time, but when it is fully conceived, it brings forth death. That is the reality – sin wants to bring death to various areas of our lives, and if we let it, it will.”

“We want to overcomplicate things so often and ask what God’s purpose is for our lives and what His will is, when really it’s just as simple as loving the unlovable right where they are.”

“Even if you ‘had it all together’, the Lord would not love you more than He does right now, at this very moment.”

“If we could grasp God’s love for us, it would compel us to want to change.”

“When we are truly just walking with Him, there truly isn’t any striving. It’s all an easier process if we simply walk in step with the Holy Spirit.”


Where You Can Find Porcia Online:

Website – Porcia Baxter

Instagram – @porciaconquers

Facebook – Porcia Baxter – Speaker, Author & Coach


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