075: Beyond Authority and Submission Part 2 with Rachel Green Miller

Rachel Green Miller is a wife, homeschooling mom of 3 boys, blogger, historian, and author of the new book, “Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society”. She is well-versed in the historical and pagan roots of the patriarchy movement, as well as the history of feminism. Even more importantly, she knows what God’s Word has to say on the topics of God’s design for men and women, and you will come away from today’s episode built up and encouraged by the freedom you truly do have as a woman in Christ.

What we Chat about in This Episode:

~What the Bible actually has to say about women teaching men; examples of women doing just that – Deborah, Anna, Huldah, Priscilla, Joel’s daughters, Phillip’s daughters, and so on

~Debunking patriarchal myths of women rulers being a curse on society; examples of women God rose up to have lead in the civil sphere

~Addressing the patriarchal myth that it is a sin for a woman to work outside the home and the effect the Industrial Revolution had on this debate; what the Bible actually says, examples in the Word of women working

~Paul’s admonition that both men and women provide for their families in 1 Timothy 5

~The boost to your faith walk that is having to walk by the Spirit and draw closer to the Lord in relationship as opposed to relying on legalism’s rules and regulations; how much better this is for our growth and sanctification

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Rachel’s book, Beyond Authority and Submission

The Kinsman Chronicles by Jen Williamson

Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age by Donna Zuckerburg


Inspiring Quotes from Rachel:

“It is not unbiblical for a man to seek answers from a woman – even in matters pertaining to theology.”

“When God creates male and female, He tasks them both with a call and mission to work. 

“Concerns of who is working outside the home and who isn’t, who is making the most money, are modern worries. Down through history, the worry was having enough food to eat and having a roof over one’s head, and the whole family worked to make that happen.”

“It’s not up to us to judge other families for making their own decisions of who works in the family and where.”

“We are becoming dangerously close to binding the consciouses of other belivers. We each have to decide what is appropriate in how to work and use our gifts. As long as we are not in active sin, whatever jobs God calls us to do, it is not up to others to decide what that is.”

“What the Bible teaches about us as men and women is much more freeing. It is not based on a list of rules, a hard-and-fast one-size-fits-all model. The diversity of appropriate and Biblical womanhood that we see in Scripture is so much more than the legalistic, confined picture we are too often given today.”


Where You Can Find Rachel Online:

Website – A Daughter of the Reformation

Instagram – @rachelmiller97

Twitter – @rachelmiller97

Facebook – Rachel Green Miller


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