078: Obedience Over Hustle Part 2 with Malinda Fuller

 Home and Hearth podcast episode 78 obedience over hustle part 2 with malinda fuller

Malinda Fuller is a wife to Alex, homeschooling mama of two girls, and brand new author of the book Obedience Over Hustle: The Surrender of the Striving Heart. Malinda’s message is a most timely one considering just how prevalent the teachings of hustle culture are today. You will no doubt come away from this two-part episode convicted, encouraged, and inspired to choose obedience over hustle and to see the fruit that can come from just such a choice.


What we Chat about in This Episode:

~What we stand to lose if we give ourselves over to the hustle way of doing things and do not instead make a course correction

~The problem with sacrificing our families on the altars of our ministries or work

~How the hustle culture lifestyle differs from the way Jesus lived

~How slowing down and refusing to hustle is a true faith-builder

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Malinda’s book, Obedience Over Hustle

Giveaway for a copy of Malinda’s book

What Matters Most: Bible Study on Philippians by Karen Ehman

Trader Joes Winter Tea 

Letters to the Church by Francis Chan

The Ministry of Ordinary Places: Waking Up to God’s Goodness Around You by Shannan Martin

My podcast episode series with Shannan Martin


Inspiring Quotes from Malinda:

“When we do things in our own way and in our own timing we are essentially saying that we think we know better than God.”

“When we are tuning our ear to what the Spirit is trying to say to us, then the intimacy just continues to grow. But as soon as we stop doing that, we are telling God we don’t need Him and will not be able to hear His voice as easily anymore.”

“Jesus only did what He saw His father doing and only spoke when He heard His father speaking. So, if He had rushed off and hustled to get to Lazarus when He was sick, it would have been a betrayal of His Father’s wishes.”

“Jesus’ way is restful and full of peace. Repeatedly in the gospels, Jesus pulled back, rested, withdrew, and spent time alone with the Father – things that we all find difficult in this ‘busyness = productivity’ culture.”

“Those whom God honored the most in the Word were those who withdrew to be with Him, those who were humble, those who were not interested in building up their own empire.”

“The Pharisees were the empire-building, platform-focused people of His day.”

“Jesus is against the idea that unless you are striving so hard to succeed you are not living a fruitful or productive life.”

“As a blogger, writer, whatever you are, you cannot pour truth into that work unless you have a well of truth you are regularly drawing from.”


Where You Can Find Malinda Online:

Website – Malinda Fuller

Weekly Newsletter – Sign Up

Instagram – @malinda.fuller

Twitter – @malinda_fuller

Facebook – Malinda Fuller Writes


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