080: Health in Mind, Body, and Soul with Corrie Stanway

Corrie Stanway is a mama and woman of God who is passionate about health and wellness. As a certified health and wellness coach and physical education instructor for kindergarten to middle school students. she is excited about educating and equipping others to be healthy in body, mind, and soul.


What we Chat about in This Episode:

~Corrie’s testimony of being freed by Christ from a fitness addiction; her struggle of basing her self-worth in whether or not she had exercised on any given day

~Finding a balance between self-loathing and self-esteem, and how neither perspective lines us to how Christ views us

~Freedom from comparison and towards purpose 

~Exercise as a stewardship

~The importance of being in a healthy emotional state when you are also seeking to be healthier physically

~Corrie’s health and fitness program, Integrity and Grace, and how she weaves Bible study into her workout regimen; how lives have been changed through it 

~What functional, restorative exercise is and why it is so important; the crucial nature of core stability

~The difference between body awareness and body preoccupation

~What truly Biblical health looks in the various areas of body, mind, and soul

~How knowing who you are in Christ positively impacts your physical wellbeing and supports your mission to be healthy physically 

~How putting ourselves down is us actually saying God didn’t make us good enough

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine

2020 Spirit-Filled Day Planner

Becky Myerson’s Bible studies

The Power of Right Believing: 7 Keys to Freedom from Fear, Guilt, and Addiction by Joseph Prince


Inspiring Quotes from Corrie:

“An addiction is anything that preoccupies us from our relationship with God; it’s wherever our mind and attention are focused – whether work, food, a substance, or something else.”

“The physical body is to house the spirit so that we can do the work God has ordained us to do, to fulfill our purpose. And that purpose comes in all different body sizes and shapes. The question is, do you feel fit for the work God has uniquely called you to do?”

“I view exercise now as being a good steward of what God has blessed me with.”

“You cannot separate the physical body from the work God is doing in the soul, and it is the Holy Spirit that brings those areas of work together.”

“When you let go of comparison, everyone is invited to the table.”

“We’re all on an equal playing field when it comes to how we are seen through God’s eyes as His beloved children. Because of that, there is no need for comparison.”

“The physical body cannot follow suit behind an unhealthy mind. It starts with the mind, will, and emotions, the soul.”

“We have to be smart to the ways of the enemy. He can’t come out with punches, he can only attack through deceptive lies. If we do not have the tools, then, to take every thought captive, it is impossible to live a victorious Christian life.”

“The Holy Spirit is within us from the moment of salvation, but as we are walking by the Spirit and more attuned to His voice, the quicker and easier it is for us to hear God speak.”

“God-esteem is different than either self-esteem or self-loathing.”

“Just remember that God formed you. You are not an accident. You have been made by grand design, and no matter what you have done right or what you have done wrong, we serve a God who can and does re-write stories.”


Where You Can Find Corrie Online:

Website – Integrity and Grace


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