085: Navigating Difficult Friendships with Rebekah Hargraves (solo episode 1)


Rebekah Hargraves is the host of the Home and Hearth Podcast, which, up until this point, has always been an interview-style podcast. Now, however, she is branching out into recording the first of (what will hopefully be many – that’s up to the feedback she gets from you!) her solo podcasts to talk on the topic of “Navigating Difficult Friendships”.

What She Chats about in Today’s Episode:

~A bit of Rebekah’s own experience with difficult friendships

~How friendship is messy as a result of our living in a fallen world; why this should not come as a surprise

~5 red flag warning signs to watch out for in your friendships:

  • Friends who ignore your boundaries (Proverbs 25:17)
  • Friends who are emotionally insensitive (Proverbs 25:20, 27:14, )
  • Friends who betray confidences (Proverbs 11:9)
  • Friends who are given to backbiting (Proverbs 1:28)
  • Friends who are commonly given to belittling people (Proverbs 11:12)

~The friendship example Jesus is for us

~The difference between being a backbiting friend and being a Biblical friend that is as iron that sharpens iron

~How to deal with friends who are operating out of one or more of the above five red flags

~The problem with the “good little Christian girl” syndrome

~Turning the other cheek vs. exercising boundaries

~The Matthew 18 Method (Matthew 18:15-17)

~Being enablers and idolizing your own comfort vs. seeking to erect necessary boundaries and be as iron that sharpens iron

~6 steps to take when dealing with a difficult friend:

  • Pray (James 1:5)
  • Point out the problem (Matthew 18:15)
  • If necessary:
  • Bring witnesses (Matthew 18:16)
  • Erect Boundaries (Matthew 18:17)
  • Continue to Pray for Reconciliation and walk by the Spirit as you do (Galatians 5:16)
  • Proceed with caution if/when prompted by the Spirit to reconcile and restore wisely

~Our call to be ministers of reconciliation

  ~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

HandH 068: The Power of Intentional Friendship with Joy Clarkson

Rebekah’s articles on friendship

Rebekah’s Speech, “Cultivating Christian Friendship in an Isolationist Culture”, for the Homemaking Ministries 2019 Online Conference

Rebekah’s “Community” highlights on IG

“Friendship”, the sermon from Rebekah’s pastor which inspired a portion of this episode

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Sally Clarkson’s Podcast, At Home with Sally

Girls Club:  Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World by Sally, Sarah, and Joy Clarkson


 Quotes to Remember:

“We live in a fallen world, so friendships will sometimes get messy. But that does not give us permission to stop initiating and pursuing friendship.”

“Sometimes you have to erect boundaries and practice Matthew 18. At the end of the day, you have to love the other person more and desire their growth and sanctification more than you love your own comfort and ease.”

“If you are living as an enabler, you are allowing the other person to remain in their sin and never be called up out of it.”

“If you are an enabler, you are your own worst enemy.”

“We have to view all of this – erecting boundaries, calling out sin – through a heart of love, humility, and a desire for reconciliation and growth.”

“Being an enabler is not a mark of a true friend.”


Where You Can Find Rebekah Online:

Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Twitter – @hhomeandhearth


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