101: Living in Light of God’s Grace with Amy Seiffert


Amy Seiffert is a wife, mom, podcaster, speaker, works on staff at her church, and is the author of the brand new devotional, “Grace Looks Amazing on You: 100 Days of Reflecting God’s Love“. She is passionate about equipping and encouraging women to walk in light of God’s grace for them and one another, and that is exactly what she is here to inspire us with on the show today!

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~Amy’s new devotional book, what led her to write it, the ten different themes covered in the book, and what readers can expect

~Understanding grace as not merely something you receive but also something you can live out and live in light of in every area of your life

~Sabbath; trusting God enough to allow ourselves to rest in such a hustle and striving culture

~Laying down productivity as a status symbol

~The implications of Psalm 23 saying God is preparing a table for us *in the midst* of our enemies; the hope and encouragement that brings

~The impact of the gospel and the resurrection on our understanding of what true Biblical womanhood actually is; how God views women throughout His Word

~God’s words about Mary to Martha and the implications of them on our understanding of His view on women learning theology

~The important balance of both embracing the personality God has given us while also humbly submitting it to God so it can be sanctified; what this has looked like for Amy and how she would encourage us to walk through this balance

~The lying trap of perfectionism and how it kills and destroys our freedom, creativity, and ability to have a carefree heart; how to get out of the trap

~Resurrection living

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth  

Grace Looks Amazing on You: 100 Days of Reflecting God’s Love

Salt of the Sea by Ruta Sepetys


Inspiring Quotes to Remember:

“We can put skin on grace and see that it is both something we receive and something we reflect. Romans 5 says we literally stand in grace. We are called to live out the grace we have been given.”

“Our refusal to rest is an issue of our not trusting God. When we embrace rest, we lay down the belief that we are the ones who keep the whole world spinning and instead are saying we believe God is in control and will provide what we need.”

“Sabbath is a grace to us; it is a gift.”

“God’s grace and His presence and our ability to commune with Him are right here, right now – they aren’t gifts that are waiting until an easier season of life.”

“Jesus was always destroying curtains that divided us from God and from each other. He crossed over the cultural norms.”

“Women were the first preachers of the gospel, according to the resurrection narrative. The spiritual gifts are not gendered, they are not divided out among gender lines. Both men and women are capable of possessing each of the gifts listed out by Paul.”

“If we are servants of the Most High King, then we submit everything – our big opinions, our big personalities – even our small ones – to Him.”

“We think perfectionism will protect us, but it won’t. It will isolate us and keep us from true, vulnerable connection.”

“God has never expected perfection of you – that’s why He came!”

“The throne Jesus sits on is literally called a throne of grace. And we can come to that throne at any time of the day or night and receive the grace and mercy we need.”

“If you doubt that there is grace for you, consider the fact that Jesus named His throne ‘grace'”.

“Interrupt your regularly scheduled programming of regret with the truth of the grace of God.”

“There is no condemnation. You don’t have to beat yourself up – Jesus was beat up for you.”


Where You Can Find Amy Online:

Website – Amy Seiffert

Instagram – @amyseiffert

Facebook – Amy Seiffert

Podcast –  The Big Top


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