111: Patriotism and the Christian with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 5)


Rebekah Hargraves is the host of the Home and Hearth Podcast, which, up until recently, has always been mostly an interview-style podcast. Now, however, she is branching out into recording the fifth of her solo podcasts to talk today on the topic of patriotism and the Christian. This is a timely topic given that we are in the midst of an emotionally-charged election year, so on today’s show she chats a bit about nationalism, the nationalization of Christianity, and what a believer’s role is regarding patriotism.

What She Chats about in Today’s Episode:

~The emotionally-charged election year we find ourselves in 

~What patriotism does and does not mean for us as Christians:

*Patriotism and being patriotic do not mean that we never call out our nation’s problems. (think of God’s example with us and our example with our children where if we love someone, we will point out their shortcomings in an attempt to call them up to greatness)

*Patriotism and being patriotic do mean that we want what is best for our country. And it is righteousness that exalts a nation.

*Being patriotic does not mean we seek to set up a theocracy in America

*Being patriotic does not mean that we can allow America or the preservation of America as we know it to become our idol

~The full meaning of the Hebrew word “tsedaqah” translated “righteousness” in Proverbs 14:34

~Our call (Acts 5:29) to obey God rather than man, while also respecting His institution of government (Romans 13)

~The reality that this country is not our home and was never meant to feel like it; our identity as but pilgrims passing through 

~What we have seen around the world and down through history regarding the direct correlation between a loss of freedom and an increase in persecution and a subsequent increase in strong and deepened faith among believers

~Our roles as good citizens and the importance for each of us to individually walk by the Spirit 

~The importance of not binding the conscience of our fellow believers; giving the Holy Spirit room to work

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

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Previous Solo Podcast Episodes  

Blue Letter Bible

Quotes to Remember:

“Patriotism and being patriotic do not mean that we never call out our nation’s problems. If we truly love our country, we will point out the issues within it so that it can be the best it can possibly be.”

“Patriotism and being patriotic do mean that we want what is best for our country. And it is righteousness that exalts a nation.”

“The Hebrew word translated “righteousness” in Proverbs 14:34 is ‘tsedaqah’, meaning ‘justice, moderately right, rectitude, virtue, prosperity of the people, and righteous acts.'”

“It is not enough to be the mouth of Christ, though proclaiming the truth of the gospel is the crucial first step. But it is just that – the first step. It is not the only step. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, which denotes action. As believers, it is our mission to walk out the implications of the gospel and work towards the righteousness (the justice, virtue, rectitude, and prosperity of the people) of this country.”

“Even while we are legitimately seeking to be the hands and feet of Christ, we are not called to so legislate morality that we try to make this country into a theocracy. Instead, this country is to be one where everyone has and enjoys religious freedom.”

“Interestingly, Paul, living in places such as ancient Rome, did not seek to set up a theocracy, either, even though had he done so that may have led to a reduction in the persecution of believers such as himself. He instead struck an important balance where he obeyed God rather than man (Acts 5:29), while at the same time respecting the God-initiated institution of government (Romans 13).”

“Being patriotic does not mean that we can allow America or the preservation of America as we know it to become our idol.”

“We need to view any loss of American freedom through a Biblical lens. A supposed loss of earthly freedom does not give us leave to wring our hands and ignore the command to not grow anxious. We have to remember that this country is not our home, and we were never really meant to feel comfortable or at home here.”

“Our ultimate freedom is not found in America or in the Constitution. It is found in Christ and Christ alone. Our ultimate hope is not found in American freedom, but in God.”

“We have to emphasize, prioritize, and focus on the freedom we have in Christ over and above the freedoms we have in America.”

“God is not an American, and His ultimate goal is not to preserve America as we know it. His ultimate goal is the same today as it has always been – to see His name glorified, His church sanctified, and His gospel spread. The events of 2020 have not changed that.”

“As a Christian, is your ultimate goal the same as His?”

“I do believe in doing what we can to preserve freedom for the citizens of this country. But I believe even more in having an eternal perspective, a big-picture perspective, a kingdom-mindset focused on Christ and our eternity with Him.”

“The fruits of the Spirit as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23 are only grown and produced in our lives when we back up and first live out Galatians 5:16 and purpose to walk by the Spirit.”

“Our hope is not found or based in who is elected president this fall. Our hope is only ever in the Lord.”

“No matter who is in the White House, God is on the throne.”


Where You Can Find Rebekah Online:

Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth Twitter – @hhomeandhearth Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast

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