112: Answering the Claims of Progressive Christianity with Alisa Childers


Alisa Childers is a wife, mom, former Christian music artist through ZoeGirl, apologist, podcast host of The Alisa Childers Show, and author of the soon-to-release book, “Another Gospel?: A Life-Long Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity”. She comes on the show today to equip us as believers to be able to answer the claims thrown our way by progressive Christianity.

What She Chats about in Today’s Episode:

~Alisa’s new book, her life story and experience with progressive Christian teachings which led her to write it, and what readers can expect

~The way progressive Christianity nearly wrecked Alisa’s faith, but how God strengthened it in the process

~The reality that the claims of progressive Christianity are actually nothing new and have already been refuted by the early church fathers and others down through the ages by the tenets and truths of historic Christianity

~Proof and evidence for historic Christianity as opposed to progressive Christianity 

~How progressive Christianity is infiltrating the church; what is leading to this

~What progressive Christianity is and what some of its main tenets are

~Red flags and buzzwords to look out for which point to the presence of progressive Christian thought 

~The primary core doctrines of the faith that are called into question by progressive Christianity 

~Progressive Christianity’s view of the Bible

~The direct correlation between the emergent church movement and progressive Christianity

~How to combat the claims of progressive Christians with truth, facts, and evidence; the importance of apologetics

~Recommended resources for growing in your understanding of apologetics

~Jesus’ own teachings regarding the reliability and inspiration of the Old Testament Scriptures 

~Progressive Christianity’s connection to relativism

~How to engage with progressive Christians and their claims

~The key question undergirding the progressive Christian movement – “Did God really say?”

~Striking a balance between a highly intellectual and strong faith and also actually living out your faith as the hands and feet of Christ; raising our kids with that balance

~The pull progressive Christianity has on those stuck in legalism

~The importance of being a safe place for those who are expressing doubt; the importance of being able to ask questions in order to grow deeper in our faith and truth

~Addressing the terms “deconstruction” and “reconstruction; the difference between an appropriate and Biblical deconstruction/reconstruction process and one that isn’t

~Progressive Christianity’s culture of doubt and addressing what your true motive is during seasons of doubt

~The reality that good works and acts of justice for the truly Biblical Christian is a result of their beliefs; how right doctrine leads to right action

~Engaging with progressive Christians with both truth and love; the importance of both

~The crucial importance of first knowing the character of God

~The impact on our children of our relationship with the Lord

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Alisa’s soon-to-release book, Another Gospel?: A Life-Long Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity

Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies, Edited by Hillary Morgan Ferrer

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman Geisler

Can We Trust the Gospels? by Peter Williams

Two-Part Episode on Alisa’s podcast with Greg Koukl on How to Talk to Progressive Christians

The Atonement (Elements in the Philosophy of Religion) by William Lane Craig

The Road

Quotes to Remember:

“In many ways, a lot of the claims progressive Christians are making are the same as the claims atheists are making. The only difference is that they are holding on to the name of Christ. Even then, however, they are redefining Him subjectively.”

“Progressive Christians are not so much unified around a set of specific beliefs, but rather around what they do. It is very much a works-based belief system.”

“Many progressive Christians really love the Bible, but they have redefined how to interpret it and what to do with it.”

“Our kids are steeped in an age and culture of skepticism. They need to know that they can come to us with any doubt or question they ever have,  knowing that we will welcome that and help them through.”

“It’s ok to doubt and ask questions – the gospel can and does stand up to scrutiny. But if you are doubting because you are thinking as progressive Christians do that doubting is a virtue and you are seeking to throw out any and every belief you’ve ever had, that’s an issue. But if your motive is to truly know God as He really is, doubting can be good and lead you there as you pour over Scripture.”

“Justice is a biblical concept if defined according to God’s nature as being just.”

“If we do not have right theology, we will be swayed by the culture’s definition of justice as opposed to God’s.”

“When your sense of justice is a secular social justice, you are at the whim of whatever culture says. God’s sense justice doesn’t change.”

“There is no excuse in our modern times for not having at least some Bible reading everyday. Even as busy women, you can put the Bible app on your phone and listen for free.”

“Nothing will shut down progressive Christians faster than being talked at. Instead, engage with them by asking really good questions.”

“Know God. Then you will know how to address claims leveled against Him,”

“The most important thing you can do for your children is to have a strong relationship with the Lord yourself.”

Where You Can Find Alisa Online:

Website – Alisa Childers

Instagram – @alisachilders

Facebook – Alisa Childers

Twitter – @AlisaChilders

Podcast – The Alisa Childers Show


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