117: The Involvement of Women in the Ministries of Jesus and Paul with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 8)

Rebekah Hargraves is the host of the Home and Hearth Podcast, which, up until recently, has always been mostly an interview-style podcast. Now, however, she is branching out into recording the eighth of her solo podcasts to  piggy-back a bit off the topic of her last solo podcast on the topic of God’s beautiful “ezer” design for women, to show many examples of women living out this very design as they partnered together with both Jesus and Paul in their earthly ministries.

What She Chats about in Today’s Episode:

~A NT survey of how women lived as ezers alongside both Jesus and Paul

~The patriarchal myth that women are to be on the sidelines while the Great Commission is being lived out; the problem with gendering this command

~What the Bible shows us about women providing financially for Jesus’ ministry

~The many cases in the Gospels of women being actively involved in Jesus’ earthly ministry

~The love, compassion, respect, concern, and care Jesus regularly showed to women

~The women at Calvary and at the tomb

~The woman at the well, the first evangelist

~Mary, a student at Jesus’ feet right alongside the men; Jesus’ welcoming of her to that sacred place; the anti-patriarchal message behind the story of Mary and Martha

~The involvement of women in the ministry of Paul

~The women (namely Phoebe, Priscilla, Mary, Junia, Tryphena and Tryphosa, and Julia) Paul praises in Romans 16 for their involvement in his ministry, and what we can learn from what he says about each one

~Luke’s words about Lydia, the first convert in Europe and the woman in whose home the church at Philippi met

~The women of Luke 8

~Paul and Luke’s praising of Priscilla and the work she did 

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

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Previous Solo Podcast Episodes

My  Solo Podcast Episode, What is Biblical Womanhood?

My Solo Podcast Episode, God’s Ezer Design for Women  

The Involvement of Women in the Ministry of Jesus

The Involvement of Women in the Ministry of Paul

4 Things Priscilla Taught Me about Being a Biblical Woman of Influence 

Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, and Marginalized Women of the Bible edited by Sandra Glahn


Quotes to Remember:

“Women absolutely were helpers, ezers, these people who supported, strengthened, upheld, and served the kingdom and church, as partners alongside Jesus and Paul in their ministries.”

“In the very first chapter of the Bible, we see women being called to be fruitful and multiply, subdue, and take dominion, just as men were. Women throughout the New Testament lived this calling out so beautifully alongside Jesus and Paul.”

“God’s design is for women to work along with men, side by side, to advance the Kingdom, to spread the gospel, and to support the church.”

“Far from being a men-only ministry, Jesus’ ministry was commonly provided for by women, both financially and otherwise.”

“Jesus and Paul both revered women in revolutionary ways given the patriarchal culture of the time. They both esteemed women and raised them up.”

“Paul had no problem with a woman correcting a man’s false theology; case in point: Priscilla and Apollos.”

“Even though women were culturally banned from learning at the feet of rabbis alongside the male students, that is precisely what Jesus encouraged Mary to do, what He praised her for doing, and what He told Martha to encourage her to do.”

“It turns out that, according to Luke 8, many women were also a part of Jesus’ band of earthly followers and disciples who traveled with him from town to town. Not only did they likely leave behind their husbands, children, and homes for a time in order to do this, but they also financially provided for Jesus’ ministry from their own means. This completely contradicts many patriarchal ideals and teachings.”

“We absolutely must know the Scriptures cover to cover so that we will not fall prey to mere cultural teachings on ‘Biblical womanhood'”.

“In a culture when very few people took the time to do so, Jesus always took the time to see, to hear, and to speak tenderly to the women around Him.”

“What Jesus does – entrust women with the news of His resurrection and the job of announcing that news – goes against the law structure of the day, wherein the testimony of a woman was considered unreliable.”

“In a culture that didn’t trust women, Jesus did. In a time that didn’t listen to women, Jesus did and also told others to, as well! In a time in which women were not viewed as partners in life and ministry, that is the very way Jesus viewed them.”

“The Great Commission mandate is not a gendered command. It is issued to both men as well as women. There is no room for a patriarchal subordination of women in any of the passages we are studying today.”

“Not only was Phoebe the one to deliver the letter of Romans, but she also would have been the one to read the letter aloud to the church at Rome.”

“Priscilla partnered with her husband Aquila in the building and edifying of the early church.”

“Priscilla and Aquila are a beautiful example of a couple living out Genesis 1:28.”

“Those who do not accurately understand Paul’s words when referring to gender have referred to him as being misogynistic. The passages we are looking at today make it quite clear just how false that claim is.”

“Priscilla commonly partnered together with the men in her life -especially, we know, her husband Aquila and the Apostle Paul- to proclaim the truths of God’s Word, to support and build the early church, and to work hard to the glory of God.”


Where You Can Find Rebekah Online:

Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Twitter – @hhomeandhearth

Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast  


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