134: An Introduction to Early Church Mothers (Part 2) with Emilie Cubino

Emilie Cubino is a wife, mom, graduate student, business owner, and writer who is passionate about church history. Today she comes back on the show to continue our conversation about early church mothers (whom many of us probably don’t know anything about, but should!). I hope you come away from this episode encouraged and inspired by these examples of women who did amazing things for the sake of Christ and the wellbeing of the early church!

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~Saint Marcella and her impact on the early church; her amazing strength in the face of adversity

~The importance of asking ourselves if we would be willing to stand up for truth as the early church mothers did

~Meditating on the question of whether or not we are willing not only to die for our faith, but to actually live for it

~Melania the Elder and her impact on the early church; her faithfulness in the midst of seemingly mundane moments

~The beautiful uniqueness and difference seen among the women in early church history; the beautiful implications of this for us today

~Our ability to be strong in Christ, regardless of each of our individual personalities

~Living lives of faith and cultivating faithfulness right where we have been placed by God – even if that looks like working in the background or doing the same thing every single day

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Emilie’s Church History column

Joy Clarkson’s podcast with Oliver Langworthy on Mecrina the Younger and other church mothers

Khan Academy free history videos

50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith by Warren Wiersbe

50 Women Every Christian Should Know: Learning From Heroines Of The Faith by Warren Wiersbe

The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1 by Justo Gonzalez 

The Story of Christianity Vol. 2 by Justo Gonzalez

Blake Guichet

Daily Grace Co. Study on Habakkuk

Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry

A War of Loves by David Bennett


“I wouldn’t have the encouragement I have received from the early church mothers if I had not studied them. I encourage every Christian to take the time to study these amazing women of God.”

“We need to ask ourselves if we are willing not only to die for the truth, but to actually live for it.”

“We could die at any moment, so let’s make life worth living. One way we can do that is by following in the footsteps of faithful believers who have gone before us.”

“What I love about the beauty of diversity among the various women of the early church and what they did for the kingdom is that it means that we, too, can be unique and live different lives for the kingdom, according to what the Lord calls each of us individually to do. He uses each of us in different ways, and that’s a beautiful thing.”

“Our early church mothers were incredibly strong women, but their strength came from Christ. It wasn’t dependent upon their personalities – it was all God and His work in them.”

“We can do anything if we know that it is Christ who has called us to do it. He equips us for the calling He gives us.”

“Undoubtedly there were other faithful women in early church history that we don’t even know about today, but who were faithful in the area God placed them. We may not know about them today, but they still had an impact on the kingdom of God and the early church. The same can be said of us, as well.”

“For some women in church history, maybe being brave and strong looked like just being willing to show up day after day in the same sphere, doing the same thing, and being faithful. Living that life of faith is no small thing.”

“We are called to live in the time in which we have been placed and to cultivate faithfulness there, instead of wishing we had been placed in a different place and time. God has a purpose and a plan for placing us right where we are. May we be faithful and make the most of it.”



Website – Naturally Balanced Motherhood

Instagram – @naturally_emilie,     @ivyandvinesocial


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