136: Perfectionism, Being Enough, Doing It All – And What the Gospel Has to Say! (Lies Moms Believe Series #3) with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 17)


On today’s solo podcast episode, I am continuing the podcast series based on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) with a chat all about perfectionism, being enough, doing it all – and what the Gospel has to say about all that!

What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The next 3 lies covered in my book:

8. I have to be a perfect mom.

9. I have to do it all.

10. I am enough.

~How perfectionism as a goal flies in the face of the gospel

~The reality that the Lord never called us to be perfect moms, but instead called us to point our children to a perfect Savior; how this is done so well and so clearly in our worst of moments

~How our goal of being perfect distorts our children’s understanding of the gospel

~The family line of Christ and what it reveals about the Lord working through imperfect people

~The reminder that Christ is still in the redemption business

~Why believing that we have to “do it all” is leading to our having a Savior complex and putting ourselves in the place of God – the only One who is truly omnipotent and omnipresent

~The enemy’s clever ploy to get us to misplace our priorities

~The Proverbs 31 woman and the reality that even she didn’t “do it all”

~Jesus and His example of not “doing it all”

~The story of Mary and Martha and what their example has to say to busy mamas

~Why I will never tell a fellow mom that she “is enough”

~How “I am enough” deprives us as moms of what can be our true source of supernatural strength

~The reality that “I am enough” is a mantra that flies in the face of the gospel

~The way that Christians believing that they are “enough” leads to our inadvertently telling the watching world that we have nothing special to offer

~Why our realizing that we are not enough on our own can actually be one of the most helpful and thoroughly encouraging things for us to remember

~Christ’s strength being made perfect in our weakness

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth Previous Solo Podcast Episodes


Quotes to Remember:

“God never called you to be a perfect mom, but to instead point your children to a perfect Savior.”

“There is no such thing as a ‘perfect mom’ – if there were, we would have had no need for Jesus.”

“The people who made up Jesus’ family line were far from perfect, but that didn’t stop the Lord from using each one of them in powerful  ways for the ultimate good of His kingdom.”

“It is in those moments when we as moms are the furthest from perfect that the Lord can most shine forth the beauty of His gospel to our children and sink that truth down deep into their hearts.”

“I don’t want to seek to be perfect on my own and thereby inadvertently tell my children that I don’t need Jesus. I want them to know that I need Jesus just as much as I tell them they do.”

“If Jesus didn’t even do it all – didn’t heal every infirmity, meet every need, or spend time with every crowd – then I certainly am not being called to ‘do it all’ as a mom!”

“Telling you that you are enough is actually one of the most discouraging things I could say to you. Because when the going gets tough and you find yourself in dire straights, all you will be able to do at that point is muster up the strength to try and be enough all on your own. You’ll have no one else to turn to. If, however, I tell you that only Christ is enough, then His strength will be made perfect in your weakness and His power will rest on you.”

“If we go around telling ourselves and each other that we are enough on our own, then we as believers no longer have anything to offer to the watching world. We cannot give a reason for the hope that is within us when they don’t even see any evidence of supernatural hope in us at all.”

Where You Can Find Rebekah Online:

Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth  Twitter – @hhomeandhearth Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast  

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