137: How God Equips us for His Call with Jess Connolly


Jess Connolly is a church planter’s wife, mom of 4, ministry leader, author, speaker, and a woman determined to encourage and inspire fellow women through the truths of God’s Word. I know you will be encouraged by what she has to share today! She joins me on the podcast today for the second time, this time to talk about her newest books, You are the Girl for the Job and Glory Girl. She also shares a bit about her book releasing next month that is all about a gospel-centered perspective on body image. You will walk away from this chat knowing that the God Who calls you is the God Who will equip you.

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~Jess’ book You are the Girl for the Job, what readers can expect from it, and what led Jess to write it

~Refusing to allow our insecurities to keep us from what God is wanting to do in our lives or cause us to miss out on how He is wanting us to live in light of the kingdom

~How insecurity is actually a form of pride and idol-worship

~Why we need to take ourselves out of the running of trying to be the hero of our stories; remembering it’s not all on us – it’s on Him

~Battling the idea that it is somehow automatically arrogant or prideful to actually use the gifts God has given you

~A message of Biblical encouragement for any woman who thinks her God-given call in this life is too small or seemingly mundane

~The seemingly mundane aspects of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the encouragement we can glean from His example

~Jess’ advice for any woman who is feeling called by God in a certain direction but wondering what her next steps should be

~Jess’ new book, Glory Girl: Daring to Believe in Your Passion and God’s Purpose; what readers can expect and what led her to write it

~Jess’ upcoming new book on body image, Breaking Free from Body Shame, what readers can expect, and what led her to write it; the applicability of the gospel to body image issues

~The danger the church falls into when trying to co-opt what the world teaches and try to apply it to our Christian lives

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

My last podcast episode with Jess

Jess’ new book, Breaking Free from Body Shame

Dance, Stand, Run: The God-Inspired Moves of a Woman on Holy Ground

You are the Girl for the Job: Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You

Glory Girl: Daring to Believe in Your Passion and God’s Purpose

The Book of Waking Up: Experiencing the Divine Love That Reorders a Life by Seth Haines


“When we are so focused on our own insecurities and weaknessess, we miss the whole point of the story, which is God’s strength being made perfect in our weaknesses. It’s not about us, it’s about Him.”

“I don’t want to be focused on my insecurities. I want to be in awe of God and what He can do.”

“There is refreshment and newness for us when we get to the place of willingly letting go of the idol of self.”

“There is so much abundance and so much more enjoyment of life when we are not trying to fix everything ourselves. He is the answer – not us.”

“It is such a tool of the enemy to get women to believe the lie that it is selfish or prideful to use your God-given gifts. We don’t fight this lie by holding back and not using our gifts. We fight it by using our gifts with humility and with our eyes focused on Christ.”

“We have to reject the premise that the way that the world works in regards to significance, platform, influence, or fame in any way, shape, or form applies in the kingdom. It just doesn’t.”

“As women of God we should never accept the world’s premise that there is only one way to be influential. That kind of idea does not belong in the church.”

“We get into trouble when we co-opt what the world says is true and try to apply it to Christianity. What we have to remember is that the gospel is relevant and applicable to any problem or question we could face in life.”

“There is not one single area of your life that God does not care about or want to walk with you in.”



Website –   Jess ConnollyGo and Tell Gals

Instagram – @jessaconnolly

Facebook – Jess A Connolly

Podcast – Go and Tell Gals



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