138: For When You Feel Like the Worst Mom Ever (Lies Moms Believe Series #4) with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 18)

On today’s solo podcast episode, I am continuing the podcast series based on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) with a chat all about what the good news of the gospel has to say for us when we feel like bad moms whose children would be better off with someone else. I hope you walk away from today’s show feeling encouraged!

What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The next 2 lies covered in my book:

11. My children would be better off having a different mom.

12. I am a bad mom.

~How the gospel refutes these lies

~My own personal experience with these lies

~What lie #11 reveals about our view of God and His sovereignty

~Understanding that you are the best mom for your kids

~The reminder that there is none righteous and therefore there aren’t “perfect” moms floating around somewhere

~The reality that God is still in the redemption business and so can bring good out of any parenting mishap

~Understanding our identity in Christ; what it is and what it is not

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth Previous Solo Podcast Episodes


Quotes to Remember:

“If I believe that my children should have had a different mom, then the fact of the matter is that I am either believing that God is not all-powerful and sovereign or else I am believing that He makes mistakes – neither of which can possibly be true.”

“You are the specific mom God chose -for a reason!- for your children. Psalm 139 makes that clear – God ordained that your children would be knit together within you. That was all a part of His plan.”

“If we know the truth of God’s Word and what it says about God’s great redemption power, then we can rest in the fact that far from our children somehow being ‘better off’ if they had a different mom, God is in the business of redemption and is quite good at what He does.”

“The next time you feel yourself falling into that defeatist ‘I’ll never be good enough, my children need a different mom’ mentality, stop believing Satan and start believing the Lord.”

“When we say we are bad moms, that description of ourselves is in direct contradiction to the gospel and its truth as to our new identity. If you say, ‘I am a bad mom’ and then take ‘mom’ away, what are you left with? ‘I am bad.’ If you are in Christ, this is not true of you and your identity.”

“Stop calling yourself nothing but a depraved sinner. That phrase may have characterized you before you came to Christ, but it certainly does not characterize you now. Now you are a new creature in Christ.”

Where You Can Find Rebekah Online:

Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth  Twitter – @hhomeandhearth Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast  

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