140: “Me-Time” and the Gospel (Lies Moms Believe Series #5) with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 19)

On today’s solo podcast episode, I am continuing the podcast series based on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) with a chat all about the concept of “me-time” from a biblical perspective.

What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The next 2 lies covered in my book:

13. I’m Selfish if I have any “me-time”.

14. I need a lot of “me-time”.

~How Jesus’ own example refutes both of these lies

~The reality that Jesus did not meet every need, answer every question, or heal every infirmity; in several instances He sent away the multitudes in order to spend time alone with the Father; the implications of this example for us as busy moms

~Practical ways to make me-time a reality in your life

~The importance of looking to the Lord and the living water He offers for true, lasting refreshment, as opposed to always looking to the non-lasting refreshment other pursuits bring

~Balance in all things; enjoying the good gifts the Father gives (gifts of alone time, good coffee, a favorite show, etc.) while all the while keeping first things first and ultimately finding our strength in and allegiance to Christ

~How God, throughout Scripture, prioritizes and points to the importance of rest

~Reframing our view of our children, God, and our everyday circumstances in order to keep from thinking we need as much “me-time” as we can possibly get

~God’s Word specifically, and our relationship with the Lord in general, being what equips us for the long days of mothering

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

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“Jesus no doubt knew that the multitudes likely needed Him to answer questions, heal diseases, or mediate disagreements. This knowledge didn’t mean that He immediately jumped up to go meet those needs, however. He knew that the most important thing He could do in those early moments of the day was first spend time alone communing with the Father. In spite of the needs raging around Him, He intentionally took time to be alone, not putting it off until after everything else was done. In doing so, He provided the perfect example for us.”

“Interestingly, Jesus did not defend Himself to His disciples. When they finally found Jesus and told Him they had been searching for Him, He didn’t apologize for retreating to spend time alone.”

“Jesus understood that in order to fulfill the purpose for which He was sent (that of preaching the good news), He had to first prepare for that work by spending time with the Father. Doing so was not optional; it was a necessity. It was not a selfish use of time; it was preparation for the work set before Him.”

“Jesus was not the first one to prioritize rest and refreshment. God the Father did so Himself from the very beginning and continues to do so to this day. We see proof of this throughout Scripture.”

“Jesus didn’t go off by Himself in order to seek entertainment or something empty and merely temporal (not that that there isn’t a time and place for a favorite Netflix show or a new manicure!). He ultimately pursued refreshment that would last, that would build up His soul and gird Him with strength and comfort, truly equipping Him for the work set before Him, as opposed to merely putting a bandaid on the needs He experienced.”

“The Lord does not fault you for needing time to rest, to be rejuvenated, and to be built back up for the work to which you have been called. Jesus did those things, and so should you.”

“We will begin to believe the lie that we need a ton of ‘me-time’ when we are viewing our children as nuisances or interruptions. If, however, we are viewing our children as the blessings and rewards they truly are, we will still have hard days in motherhood and will still need time away, but we won’t be in all-out desperation for ‘me-time’ quite so often.”

“If we have not been taking the time to study the attributes of God, have not been reading our Bibles or giving any attention to the study of theology, it will be easy to fall into the trap of making ‘me-time’ into an idol, believing it to be the ultimate answer to our mothering problems. If, however, we are students of theology, having understood its importance and seen how very applicable it is to our lives as moms, then we will know that God is ultimately Who we truly need.”

“If the enemy can get our eyes off Christ and onto the belief that ‘me-time’ is the quintessential need of every mom, he can succeed in weakening us in our motherhood and render us lacking in vision, purpose, strength, and vigor for the task set before us. True strength for mothering comes not through mocha lattes and nail polish (as great as those things are!). It ultimately comes from the Lord as a result of our being in close relationship with Him.”


Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth 

Twitter – @hhomeandhearth

Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast

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