145: Understanding the Gift of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives with Jeannie Cunnion


Jeannie Cunnion is a wife, mom of 5 boys, writer, counselor, and author. Today we chat about her brand new book, Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life is Better with the Holy Spirit, and Jeannie helps us grow in our understanding of the important work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

What we Chat about in This Episode

~Jeannie’s new book, Don’t Miss Out:  Daring to Believe Life is Better with the Holy Spirit, what readers can expect, and what led her to write it

~The benefits of the Holy Spirit and the things He does in our lives; how it is His job- not ours!- to produce the fruits of the Spirit in our lives

~Our common lack of understanding these days as to the work, role, and power of the Holy Spirit

~Living in the power of the Holy Spirit

~The importance of coming to a thoroughly and truly Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit, as opposed to an extreme view where we either use and abuse Him or else become reactionary and ignore Him completely out of fear

~The problem of being afraid of the Holy Spirit

~Understanding why we need the Holy Spirit

~How the Spirit’s presence within us meets our needs

~Embracing the Holy Spirit and His work within us

~Understanding that the Holy Spirit is not somehow just for the most spiritual among us, but rather He is accessible by everyone who follows Christ

~Refusing to settle for less than all of God

~What it looks like to live a Spirit-filled life; how to get there

~Growing in intimacy with God

~Welcoming and yielding to the Holy Spirit’s direction

~Listening for the conviction and nudging of the Holy Spirit in our lives

~The Holy Spirit as the author and illuminator of Scripture in our lives

~Giving the Holy Spirit material to work with by being in the Word

~What the meaning behind the Greek word translated “helper” shows us about the roles and desires of the Holy Spirit – how He champions, sustains, befriends, comforts, helps, supports, and strengthens us

~The dramatic change the Holy Spirit brought about in Peter’s life

~How the Holy Spirit is so much better than self-help

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life is Better with the Holy Spirit

Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit

Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan

Becoming Mrs. Lewis



Inspiring Quotes from Jeannie:

“Contrary to what I thought for a long time, it is the Holy Spirit’s job to produce the fruits of the Spirit in my life. That is not my job to somehow muster up on my own.”

“Too often I think we’re afraid of the Holy Spirit because we think He is weird and will make us weird. But He is not weird- people make Him out to be weird. He is delightful.”

“When Jesus is preparing His disciples for His ascension, He tells them in John 16 that it is for their good that He leave them, because only then will the Holy Spirit come. It was to their advantage and it is to our advantage, for our benefit, as well, that Christ did return to Heaven. It is only through His ascension that we were able to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

“We are never without what we need, because the very Spirit of God takes up residence within us.”

“We need to ask ourselves if we are inviting the Holy Spirit to do His work within us or if we are holding Him at arms length.”

“Too often people think that the Holy Spirit is just for the super spiritual, the pastors, teachers, missionaries. But He is accessible for all of us. We do not have to settle for less than all of God, nor should we.”

“Our faith will flourish to the extent that we are embracing the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives.”

“When our faith feels dry, boring, dull, or lacking in intimacy, the Holy Spirit is the answer for all of that. He brings intimacy into our rote religion.”

“Instead of viewing the Holy Spirit as a power to tap into, we need to view Him as a Person to welcome into our lives. He is not a mere force or power, He is a relatable Person.”

“The Holy Spirit is a Person as the Father and Son are, and just as they do, He has a mind, will, and emotions.”

“The power of the Holy Spirit being made manifest in our lives comes from our being willing to yield to the direction of the Holy Spirit.”

“The Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and also the Illuminator of the Scripture in our lives.”

“The Holy Spirit cannot bring to mind what we do not already know. So we need to give Him material to work with by being in the Word so that He can then remind us of the truths of the Word when we need them most.”

“The Holy Spirit really does want to help and champion us.”

“When we are only relying on helping ourselves, we are settling for so much less than what the Holy Spirit could do in and for us.”

“God wants to give you more of Himself.”



Where You Can Find Jeannie Online

Website – Jeannie Cunnion

Facebook – Jeannie Cunnion

Instagram – @jeanniecunnion

Twitter – @jeanniecunnion



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