148: Understanding Priorities and Redeeming the Time (Lies Moms Believe Series #9) with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 23)



On today’s solo podcast episode, I am continuing the podcast series based on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) with a chat addressing the lie “I don’t have time” and how it leads to our common views of friendship, creativity, marriage, and time alone with God. I hope you’ll walk away from this episode encouraged and inspired by just how much time you truly do have to pursue the priorities God has in mind for you in this season.

What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The next lie covered in my book:

23. I don’t have time.

~The implications of this lie on our view of marriage, creativity, friendship, and time with God

~Understanding what Biblical priorities are and what they are not

~The blessing it is to only have 24 hours in each day – the sovereignty and goodness of God on display here

~Practical tips for how to make time for God when you’re feeling too busy for Him (and why it’s important that you do!)

~Practical tips for how to make time for your husband when you’re feeling too busy for him (and why it’s important that you do!)

~Practical tips for how to make time for friendship when you’re feeling too busy for it (and why it’s important that you do!)

~Practical tips for how to make time for creativity when you’re feeling too busy for it (and why it’s important that you do!)

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

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Previous Solo Podcast Episodes


“If you are that ultra-busy mom, stressed out and believing you don’t have enough time, I would ask you this: are you busy doing what you want to do and what our culture expects of you, or are you busy doing what God has actually asked you to do? Oftentimes there is a big difference.”

“The fact of the matter is that many of those pursuits that are on the list of things we are too busy for are the very things for which God gave us time. We simply aren’t using our time for those endeavors, instead choosing to dedicate our time to Netflix, social media, too many work projects, and other pursuits which are, at the end of time day, not nearly as important as those things we are letting fall by the wayside in the process.”

“Mamas, we are sucking the very lifeblood out of our marriages and mothering when we move Bible study and prayer to the very bottom of our to-do list. We are taking the most important practice – that of meeting with God- that would make all the difference in the world for ourselves and our families and treating it as if it is not important.”

“We are lessening our understanding of what are true, right priorities when we are not regularly taking in the wisdom of God’s Word and His perspective for life.”

“The problem is that we have entertained the mistaken idea that unless our quiet time situation is ‘perfect’ (that we are up before our kids, have a hot cup of coffee nearby, are sitting in our favorite comfy chair with candle lit, music playing, journal and Bible in hand, and a free hour in which to study and pray while the birds are singing outside the window), then it’s all for naught and there’s no point in it. This mistaken idea is evidence of our placing more faith and power in the circumstances surrounding our Bible reading than in the actual, living, and active Bible itself and the God Who inspired it.”

“It can be really easy to just take a minute to let your husband know that even among the busyness that is your daily life, he is still on your mind: send him flirty little texts or hide notes in his lunch bag. It doesn’t have to take long, but it can mean a lot.”

“Be the woman God made you to be while exercising and putting to good use the gifts that He gave to you. Doing so, while exercising them within the confounds of proper priorities, is far from selfish or wrong. I believe it is obedience to the God who gave you those gifts and who expects you to use them in the first place, both in and out of the sphere of motherhood.”

“Throughout the Word, both in direct teaching as well as in story, we see the importance God placed upon friendships.”

“Here is what we have to remember: The Lord would not commission us with the tasks of tending our relationship with Him, our husbands, our children, our homes, out talents and gifts, and our friendships and ministries, and then leave us without the time to do so.”



Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth

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Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth 

Twitter – @hhomeandhearth

Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast


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