175: Living Life with the Holy Spirit with Becky Thompson

Becky Thompson is a wife, mama, blogger, podcaster, and author of several books including her newest, God so Close: Experience a Life Awakened by the Holy Spirit. She comes on the show today to inspire us with what it means to listen to and walk by the Spirit and how we can do that in our everyday lives.

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~Becky’s newest book, God so Close: Experience a Life Awakened by the Holy Spirit, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect

~How the Holy Spirit wants to draw us into a closer relationship with God

~The reality that all believers are already in relationship with the Holy Spirit but need to be made more and more aware of what they already have and tap into it more

~Understanding that there is nothing we can do for God apart from the help of God

~The concept of not just being God’s hands and feet, but also His mouth and ears

~The speaking role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today

~Times in Becky’s own life when she heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit and He led her to do something

~How the Holy Spirit speaks to us in order to encourage others we can reach by His strength

~Understanding that there is always more to discover, more to learn, more to experience of His infinite love

~The reality that we as believers have already heard the voice of the Holy Spirit – He is, after all who drew us to the Lord – but we may just not have realized that’s Who it was

~How to begin hearing more from the Holy Spirit and knowing that is Who we heard from

~Understanding that it is the Word of God that equips us to hear from God

~Understanding that we must be hearing from the Holy Spirit and He must be speaking to us if we are to correctly understand and interpret the Word of God

~Understanding that the Holy Spirit will never say anything contrary to the Word of God, but will always draw us closer to the Lord rather than push us further away

~What it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit; understanding that what happens at the moment of salvation is just the starting point

~Understanding that our eternal life does not just begin when we die; our eternal life with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit began the day we were saved

~Understanding that God wants to move through us to impact the world around us

~ The importance of pursuing a relationship, not mere information; understanding that heart change ultimately comes from our relationship with Christ, not merely acquiring more information

~No longer allowing the enemy to steal from us what is ours as we refuse to any longer believe falsehoods about the Holy Spirit

~And more!


Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Midnight Moms Devotional Community

Becky’s newest book, God so Close: Experience a Life Awakened by the Holy Spirit

Becky’s other books

The Story of the Intercessor



“When the Lord is in His proper place in our perspective, everything else- the hurts, the struggles, the dreams, everything else – are also then put in their proper place.”

“If we have a relationship with God, then it is the Holy Spirit Who was the One who drew us to Him and into that relationship.”

“There is nothing we can do for God apart from the help of God.”

“Believers already have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, but I want them to be inspired to actually turn towards the Holy Spirit and walk with Him”

“Everything we need to know in order to live a life that follows His way for us is found in the Word. But Jesus, when discussing the Holy Spirit, says that He will speak of what He hears the Lord saying. The Holy Spirit has a speaking role. God has not lost His voice, and He still speaks from within.”

“Every Spirit-filled teacher and leader is listening to the Holy Spirit. Your pastor already does this when he prepares a sermon for you. He’s modeling what it means to be the ears and mouth of God. What I want you to know, though, is that the Holy Spirit does the exact same thing for us in the middle of our everyday lives. When I as a mom listen to what the Spirit would lead me to say to my child and I say it, I am demonstrating to my child what it looks like to not just be the hands and feet of Jesus, but the ears and mouth, as well.”

“God speaks to us and works in us so that He can work through us in the lives of other people. There are always people waiting on the other side of our obedience that He wants to reach and encourage.”

“There is always more to discover, more to learn, more to experience of His infinite love.”

“So many of us want to know if we are truly loved by God, and it is through the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts on a daily basis that we are able to see that we are known and loved and held by God.”

“You have already heard the voice of the Holy Spirit – Jesus says His sheep will know His voice. But you have to be aware that that is what it was, and you need to be intentionally listening for that voice.”



Website –  Becky Thompson

Instagram – @beckythompsonauthor

Facebook – Becky Thompson

Podcast –  Revived Motherhood

Midnight Moms Devotional Community


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