186: Life Can be Good Again with Lisa Appelo

Lisa  Appelo is a widowed mom of 7, Bible teacher, and author of the new book, “Life Can be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After it Falls Apart“. She comes on the show to encourage you that, with the Lord, there is always hope and goodness to be found even through the hardest of seasons.


What we Chat About on this Episode

~Lisa’s new book, “Life Can be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After it Falls Apart“, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect

~How Lisa is able to have hope and joy and find abundance even in the midst of still missing her husband and grieving his loss

~Understanding that God does not serve up to us the leftovers or plan B, but instead His ordained second chapter of our lives

~Allowing God to shape us through what we are experiencing; what that journey was like for Lisa

~God’s nearness to the broken-hearted

~Prayer as plugging into our Power Source

~How practical God and walking by the Spirit truly are

~Gratitude’s secret gift and Lisa’s experience with that

~Not just seeing God’s goodness, but seeing God’s goodness for you

~How to find your footing in a heart-breakingly hard season

~The power and importance of lament

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Lisa’s new book, Life Can be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After it Falls Apart

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

1776 by David McCullough



“If you do this hard work of grief, life will come back again, and you will feel joy again.”

“The Lord does not serve up a plan B. God does not give us the leftovers. Instead, what we are given is God’s intentional second chapter of our lives. Because of that, there can be as much abundance, joy, and goodness here, too.”

“When we are in a hard season and realize that we are not in control, we are in a place where God can shape us in ways He could not in just the sunny times.”

“As painful as this loss is, I would not want to be the girl I was before all of this happened.”

“God is so practical and cares about the details of our lives and our everyday needs.”

“Whatever huge struggle we are dealing with, God already has the answer, the provision, and the wisdom that we need.”

“The more we stop to thank God for what He is doing in the hard, the more we will see that He is doing in the hard.”

“This world is not our home, and we had better start focusing on eternity and putting our treasures there.”

“Do not be afraid of your emotions or try to mask or short-cut your grief. God made us with emotions, and any kind of loss is going to trigger really hard emotions that will make us feel uncomfortable. But it is important to allow ourselves to feel even those feelings of despair, anger, and grief. We can bring our hardest emotions and questions to God.”



Website – Lisa Appelo

Instagram – @lisaappelo

Twitter – @appelolisa


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