202: Overcoming Spiritual Starvation with Amy Seiffert


Amy Seiffert is a wife, mom of 3, speaker, Bible teacher, and author, most recently, of the new book “Starved: Why We Need a Spiritual Diet Change to Move Us from Tired, Anxious, and Overwhelmed to Fulfilled, Whole, and Free. Our prayer is that you would come away from this episode edified and encouraged in your Christian walk.

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~Amy’s new book, Starved: Why We Need a Spiritual Diet Change to Move Us from Tired, Anxious, and Overwhelmed to Fulfilled, Whole, and Free”, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect

~The spiritual diet change we need and how so much of what we are turning to is actually starving us

~The issue of our phones and how they are thieves

~The importance of slowness, stillness, and quiet

~Clearing the noise and distractions in order to hear the voice of God

~The problem of Christian Nationalism and the problem with replacing King Jesus with a president

~Understanding that our identity must foremost be as a citizen of Heaven, not an American

~Understanding that the hatred of anger of man does not build the kingdom of God

~Using our vote for the benefit and wellbeing of our fellow image bearers

~Laying down the idol of our rights and instead building the Kingdom of God

~Racism that still exists in this country

~Our call to be our brother’s keeper and to care for the interests of others, and what this means for the issue of racism

~The power of listening to the stories and experiences of people of color

~What justice looks like in the Bible

~The problem with the “just preach the gospel” message and how it is incomplete; the horizontal implications of the gospel

~The blame game and our need for confession

~Shalom’s meaning of wholeness and integration

~The fact that we are starved for becoming; becoming the process of learning and growing and changing; the importance of being teachable and willing to change and grow as the Spirit leads

~The importance of majoring on the majors

~Breaking out of legalism, patriarchy, sexism, racism, etc. in order to see the kingdom as God does

~Understanding God’s posture towards you

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Starved: Why We Need a Spiritual Diet Change to Move Us from Tired, Anxious, and Overwhelmed to Fulfilled, Whole, and Free.

Starved 6 week Bible study

Driving while black in America

Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund

Emboldened: A Vision for Empowering Women in Ministry by Tara Beth Leach

My previous podcast episode with Amy 


“We need a spiritual diet change. So much of what we turn to is actually starving us.”

“Our phones are stealing time, agency, and identity from us. Our phones can certainly bring good, too, but the habit of running to it for feelings of identity, control, and approval are harming us and tempting us away from time spent alone with the Lord and in true community. If I am plugged into my phone and the voices there, I cannot hear the voice of God. We need to clear the noise to get to His voice instead.”

“Our focus is not to be the donkey or the elephant – it is to be the lamb. We have put our citizenship of Heaven and replaced that with our identity as Americans. We have taken King Jesus off the throne and replaced Him with a president. Which is actually an age-old kind of story – we see the same heart posture in 1 Samuel 8, and it grieves the heart of God.”

“We do have the privilege of the vote, and when I practice it, I ask myself how I can use my vote for the benefit of others.”

“We don’t build the kingdom of God by being hateful of others.  When you tear down other image bearers, you cannot build the kingdom.”

“We belong to each other. We are fellow image bearers of God, called to be our brother’s keeper, called to serve one another and to care for their interests.”

“Justice in the Bible is only 10% about punishment. 90% of the time in the Bible, justice is about proactively protecting the marginalized, the oppressed, and the hurting.”

“The sermon on the mount was about kingdom living here and now, with justice, truth, righteousness, and protection of one another.”

“Coming out of wrong belief systems can feel so disorienting, but God is our rock.



Websites – Amy Seiffert

Instagram – @amyseiffert

Podcast – The Big Top


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