203: Living in the Power of the Spirit with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode #44)


On today’s solo show, we are tackling the topic of living in the power of the Spirit, how to do that, and the blessings and benefits we receive when we do so.

What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The importance of walking by the Spirit as the key to living the victorious Christian life

~What you acquire when you do:

*the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

*victory over sin (Galatians 5:16-18)

*help and counsel (John 14:16, 26; John 15:26; Romans 8:26-27

*comfort (John 14:26)

*guidance into all truth (John 16:13)

*reminders of Biblical truth (John 14:26 and 15:26)

*power (Acts 1:8, Ephesians 1:20-22)

*reminders of who we are in Christ and what our standing is (Galatians 4:6)

*spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)

*wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2)

*confirmation that we abide in Christ (1 John 4:13)

*the gift that He is (1 John 4:13

~How, practically speaking on a day to day basis, to live in the power of the Spirit:

*by being in the Word

*through communing with Him in prayer

*through seeking wise counsel and doing life with other believers

*through actually stopping and praying for strength, power, etc.

*by being still and knowing so that we can actually hear the still, small voice of God

~The fact that the Holy Spirit actually cannot fully do His job in our lives if we are not in the Word

~Understanding that seeking wise counsel and doing life with other believers is about more than just attending church

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

The book I co-wrote on walking by the Spirit

Previous articles and podcast episodes on walking by the Spirit



“Walking by the Spirit is the key to living the victorious Christian life.”

“When you walk by the Spirit, you acquire the fruits of the Spirit, victory over sin, help, counsel, comfort, power, guidance into all truth, wisdom, knowledge, reminders of what your standing is in Christ, spiritual gifts, understanding, and more.”

“The Holy Spirit cannot completely fulfill His job of reminding us of what Jesus taught if we do not know what Jesus taught in the first place – we have to be in the Word in order for the Spirit to fully have His way in our lives.”

“There are many practical ways we can live in the power of the Spirit in our day-to-day lives – by being in the Word and in prayer, by seeking wise counsel, by doing life together with other wise believers, by being still and knowing that He is God, and by intentionally stopping and seeking His still, small voice.”

“Doing life together in community with other believers as we are called to is about so much more than simply darkening the doors of a church once or twice a week.”

“The enemy knows that when we are not walking by the Spirit, he can far more easily get to us through lies and temptation. This is why walking by the Spirit is so very important.”

“Walking by the Spirit is not some high and lofty thing that isn’t practical for day-to-day life. The enemy would have us think it is so that we won’t put it into practice, but that is a lie straight from the enemy.”


Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Twitter – @hhomeandhearth

Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast


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