204: Women, Ministry, and the Kingdom of God with Sarah Jane Ho


Sarah Jane Ho is a wife, mom of 5, pastor, and mental health therapist. She leads the Nations of Change Church in Pakistan via Zoom, and has a heart that is passionate about women understanding God’s heart for His daughters. We pray you’ll come away from this episode built up and encouraged by this truth.

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~How the church in Pakistan came about

~How important it is to walk by the Spirit and how we shortchange ourselves and miss out when we are not in close relationship with the Holy Spirit and hearing His voice and heeding His direction

~How the Nations of Change Church in Pakistan is set up logistically

~The importance of God-nudges and how sometimes people won’t understand what God is calling us to – because He hasn’t called them to it

~The issue of hierarchy in our churches and how damaging it can be to our relationships in the Body; what 1 Timothy 2 is actually teaching about women teaching men and the cultural and historical context behind that passage

~The problem with reading and interpreting Scripture through western eyes

~Joining both complementarians and egalitarians together around the good news of the gospel and working together to reduce the subjugation and mistreatment of women in the church

~Studying Scripture by keeping in mind context, culture, and content

~How Sarah’s position as associate pastor and pastoring women has helped women to understand how God truly views them and the heart He has for them

~Sarah’s upcoming church ministry, Our Place, a church for the marginalized and those who would not step into a typical church building

~Comparing our modern-day American church culture with the culture of the early church

~Answering the naysayers who might think that Sarah’s plate is too full for her to be able to minister well to her own family; how her work has blessed and shaped her family

~How raising our children in a serving house can inspire them to be people who serve; why it’s important to model for your children the kind of adults you want them to be and what you want them to think is normal as a believer building the Kingdom

~The monthly theology dates Sarah has with her daughter; the impact of these

~The importance of our being able to think critically for ourselves and interpret Scripture and hear from God on our own with the Spirit’s help

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

The Bible Recap Podcast

Theology in the Raw Podcast

Mom to Mom Podcast

Candace Cameron Bure’s podcast

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer

The Pastor’s Table

Equip and Empower with Christine Caine

Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow by Jamie Erickson

Previous episodes with Sarah’s sister, Jamie Erickson


“We are shortchanging ourselves if we are not walking with the Holy Spirit and hearing from Him.”

“It is a problem when we interpret Scripture through western eyes instead of through the eastern eyes in which it was written. If we want to understand Scripture, we have to know that historical and cultural context.”

“The Bible is very clear that we are one body and are to be in unity with one another.”

“My view of church is like the early church version where Christ sat with the disciples and ate and talked as they asked questions and learned together. Our church culture in modern-day America has largely lost many of its discipleship skills where we sit, hear a sermon, and then leave until next week. I want to create a space like the early church had where we come to fellowship, have a short sermon, and then a discussion about the sermon topic afterwards, to where it is a continuous open, dialogue where the whole group gets to talk and be discipled.”

“As long as what we are doing is what God has asked us to do, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks as long as we are doing what He has called us to do.”

“Our children grew up in a serving house, so it makes sense to them to serve.”

“For our children to grow up wanting to serve and loving to serve and loving people well, that is what they have to see us doing.”

“Listen to what the Holy Spirit says. Knowing what He wants you to do and heeding that is so important.”



Website – Pastor Sarah Jane

Instagram – @pastorsarahjaneho

Podcast – Word in Depth


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