205: Refuting False Gospels with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode #45)


On today’s solo show, we are addressing the topic of 7 different false gospels that are alive and well in our day that we need to refute with the actual gospel as found in Scripture. I hope you will walk away from this conversation feeling well equipped to know, discern, live out, and proclaim truth.

What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~The book of Galatians and what it reveals to us concerning the issue of teaching or believing a false gospel

~7 common false gospels we need to refute and how they differ from the true gospel of the Bible:

*the prosperity gospel (in all its forms, including the version taught in purity culture)

*progressive “Christianity”


*believing that the gospel is just good news for your eternity and not also concerned with your here and now everyday life

*believing that the gospel and Christian nationalism are compatible

*believing that the gospel does not have implications for the social sphere and your call to be the hands and feet of Christ

*believing that the gospel just has vertical implications (for your relationship with God) and not horizontal implications as well (for your relationships with your fellow image bearers)

~the false gospel nature of racism and sexism

~the “social gospel” aspect of the biblical gospel

~legalism as *the* false gospel the book of Galatians is concerned with – and why this fact shows that it is problematic for us to think, as many do today, that refuting a “false gospel” is just about refuting the false gospel of progressive Christianity alone (as if this were the only false gospel out there)

~the issue with the saying “just preach the gospel” – and how that reveals there are hints of a false gospel present

~the problem with defending slavery by saying that at least slaves were taught about Christianity (and how, if you were an enslaver, you were actually proclaiming a false gospel)

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Previous solo podcast episodes:

The Gospel, Social Justice, and Kingdom Living Now

Being “Woke” and Pursuing Truth

Alisa Childers’ book, Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity 

My podcast episode with Alisa Childers on Another Gospel



“When people today talk about ‘another gospel’ or refuting a ‘false gospel’, more often than not people are referring to the issue of progressive Christianity. But we need to understand that there are many more false gospels alive and well out there today than just that one. And we need to refute those with just as much passion as we do progressive Christianity.”

“The entire book of Galatians is focused on the serious problem of people believing and teaching a false gospel. This is such a serious issue that Paul goes so far as to say that anyone proclaiming a false gospel ought to be accursed. This is not something to take lightly.”

“Even though many today solely focus on the problem of the false gospel of progressive Christianity, the false gospel Paul was actually concerned with the most, in the book of Galatians, was the false gospel of legalism.”

“Down through history people have wanted to defend chattel slavery by saying that at least the enslaved heard the gospel. But they did not. They heard a false gospel, because it was coming from an enslaver and slavery and racism run directly contrary to the gospel of Christ and its implications.”

“To believe that the gospel of Christ is just good news for your eternity and not applicable or relevant for your here and now, everyday life is to believe a false gospel.”

“To believe that the gospel just has vertical implications (for your relationship with God) and not also horizontal implications as well (for your relationships with your fellow man) is to believe a false gospel.”

“If racism and sexism are no big deal to you, you are believing a false gospel. Paul makes it abundantly clear in Galatians and elsewhere that the gospel brings with it implications for how we treat one another.”

“To believe that the gospel does not have social implications is to believe a false gospel.”

“One false gospel, the prosperity gospel, takes many different forms in different circles. It can present itself as everything from the ‘health and wealth gospel’, to what is taught in purity culture – that if you just make sure you maintain all aspects of your purity, then you are promised a wonderful marriage.”


Websites – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Instagram –@rebekahhargraves

Facebook – Hargraves Home and Hearth

Twitter – @hhomeandhearth

Podcast – Home and Hearth Podcast


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