6 Ways to Live a Spiritually Vibrant Life (Even When Life Gets Crazy) – Guest Post from Catherine McNiel

I’m delighted today to be introducing you to author Catherine McNiel! She has provided us with a beautiful, impactful guest post centered around the themes of her new book, All Shall be Well: Awakening to God’s Presence in His Messy, Abundant World. Enjoy!


My favorite love language is quality time. I love to sit with a friend, my husband, or my children, and just be together, talking, catching up. Setting aside time to be present is how I build relationships. So it stands to reason that I pursue my relationship with God through quality time as well.

Some of the most formative moments in my spiritual life were in seasons when my responsibility level was . . . well, lower than it is now. I could spend hours studying the Bible or in prayer. I could sit at the piano and sing a new song to the Lord, pouring worship from my heart to my fingers. I attended worship services that lasted for hours. I drank in these moments, these years.

But now, my responsibilities pile up around me like the laundry I manage to wash but never seem to fold or put away; like the emails that Just. Keep. Coming. I prioritize that oh-so-needed time with God, but it doesn’t flow and overflow like it once did.

So much of what we are taught about spiritual vibrancy suggests we must have a great deal of time and quiet on our hands . . . but the world God created just isn’t like that. This earth overflows with living things making messes, demanding nurture . . . and in my stage of life, a great deal of this means work on my plate. Love these days looks a lot like acts of service. I’m okay with that, but I can feel spiritually dry and distant. I long to
protect the flame God has kindled in my spirit.

So, how do we live a spiritually vibrant life in our actual life?

1. Breathe
Almost daily, this is my starting place. No matter how busy or crazy life gets, we still breathe! What better way to remind myself to live from a prayerful posture, whatever else I may be doing? Take in a deep breath and remember that God’s breath sustains us. Exhale and surrender into His presence. Whether driving in the car, staring down a pile of work, or chasing a toddler, prayerful breathing reminds me that my identity is in

2. Step Outside and See
I spend so much time running from house to car to highway to building and back again that sometimes I forget our Creator formed this world intentionally, lovingly, and He placed us here on purpose . . . and remains here with us! Whatever the season or weather in your neck of the woods, take a moment to notice the world around you, soaking in what God made and what He is doing here and now. Let yourself be taken aback by a sunset, a storm cloud, or a bird song—and rejoice in the Creator who
rejoices in all He has made.

3. Cultivate Honest Gratitude
“I’m too blessed to be stressed!” my husband’s grandmother used to proclaim. The amazing thing is, this was true. She wasn’t covering up the reality of pain and struggle in her life, but she had cultivated—day after day, year after year—a practice of gratitude. Take a moment to speak out words of gratitude each day, aloud. Be honest; don’t grit your teeth or hide the pain behind a false smile. Weep and wail when the pain comes, but allow yourself to also cultivate, over time, an undercurrent of gratitude that
doesn’t ebb and flow with your changing emotions and circumstances. This investment just might be what carries you through.

4. Pray the Prayer of Examen
The Prayer of Examen is an ancient Christian practice that fits perfectly into a busy day, reminding us that we can walk with God at any moment. Here are the five steps:
Remind yourself of God’s presence.
 Give thanks for the details of this day, this moment.
 Consider the feelings and thoughts you’re having today and invite God to join you there.
 Reflect on what is wrong, broken, or painful in this day. Ask for God’s
forgiveness, or the strength to forgive.
 Look forward to the rest of your day, asking God to go with you and thanking Him for His faithful presence.

5. Make Friends with Mystery and Mess
I’ll be honest . . . sometimes I dream of that lifestyle of quiet, peaceful worship and prayer. But the life God gave me is full of unknowns, chaos, and noise. Fighting this God-given reality (and the blessings that go with it!) would be disobedient; feeling guilty for the lack of peace and quiet I can muster is silly and counterproductive. So, if you’re like me, allow yourself to let go of the expectation that godly living and spiritual vibrancy are straightforward and clean. Instead, accept this season of mystery and mess, and invite God to surprise you with His presence right here in the middle of it all.

6. Keep a Signs of Life Journal . . . and Read It!

When you find a sliver of God’s hope, or presence, or redemption, make a note of it! Keep a paper journal, a Pinterest board, an Instagram account, or voice notes on your phone. Revisit often and be encouraged. Though we may be too busy each day to fully notice, God is present in our everyday reality, and we do glimpse Him at times! You might be surprised just how often He encourages you with His presence.



ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Catherine McNiel is a writer and speaker who seeks to open eyes to God’s creative, redemptive work in each day—while caring for three kids, two jobs, and one enormous garden. Catherine’s first book, Long Days of Small Things: Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline, was an
ECPA finalist for New Author. Her second book is All Shall be Well: Awakening to God’s Presence in His Messy, Abundant World. She’s always on the lookout for wisdom, beauty, and iced coffee. You can find Catherine at her website or on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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