A Christian Response to the Election Results


At first glance, the title of today’s post might not make sense. After all, nothing has really been decided as to who won the presidential election – votes are still being counted, fraud is being looked into, lawsuits are just now beginning, and there is no quick end in sight from what I can tell.

And yet, here I am writing an article entitled “A Christian Response to the Election Results”.

Why is that? Well, it’s because the five things that we as believers need to keep in mind and be sure to live out are the same today with no clear proven winner as they will be when that day comes and we know who the president will for sure be over the next four years.

As believers, we need to keep in mind and live out the five following reminders today and every day, regardless of how exactly the 2020 election pans out.


5 Important Reminders for the Believer


  • Stand Up for What is Right and Just

As we stand here on the precipice of what could be a rather long and drawn out investigation as to who for sure won the election, there is one thing we as believers and image bearers of God should all be known for in this season: standing up for what is right and just.

Our God is a God of justice, showing partiality to no one and always upholding righteous judgement. If we are to live faithfully as His image bearers and ambassadors, we are going to have to prioritize doing the same.

This looks like refusing to declare a winner until any case of voter fraud has been thoroughly investigated and every vote has been fairly counted. This also looks like letting the chips fall where they may and willingly declaring the winner as being your President when that has been determined – regardless of whether that is Trump or Biden.


  • Trust God

In the days since the election, I have seen a disturbing number of professing believers wringing their hands and expressing concern over what might happen if Biden is officially declared the winner. But it is in uncertain times like these, when we don’t fully know what may or may not happen to our religious freedoms in this country, that we are given the opportunity to put feet to the faith we claim to have.

As I shared on Instagram recently, it has been proven time and again down through history – and even up to today – that the church grows the most when the times are the hardest. When the church faces persecution and loss of religious freedom and therefore can no longer afford to be complacent and lackadaisical, it is in those times when each individual believer’s faith and ability to live it out is strengthened, deepened, and fortified.

This doesn’t mean we beg God for hard times to come or sit back and do nothing if an infringement on religious freedom seems to be coming down the pike. But it does mean that we actually practice our faith, refusing to wring our hands in worry and despair, and trusting the God Who always has us in the palm of His hand.


  • Armor Up

If, in fact, religious freedom begins to be eroded more and more over the next four years, then we as the church must armor up. Ephesians 6:11-13 says,

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

If worse comes to worse and religious persecution is around the corner for Christians in America, our time – both now and then – will be far better spent growing in our Bible literacy and investing in our prayer life than it will be wringing our hands and scouring news reports.

Now is the time to bury our noses deep in the Word.


  • Live at Peace

Elections are always incredibly divisive, but given the onslaught of what has been deemed “cancel culture”, things are worse than ever before. As believers, we are commanded to rise above this fray and “be the bigger people”, as it were.

Romans 12:18 says, “ If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”  Note that this verse doesn’t say “all believers”.  No, it says “all men”, which means that it is our call – as far as is possible – to live at peace with ALL people, whether Biden voters, Trump voters, or somewhere in between. That is our God-given mission.

Likewise, Paul writes in Ephesians 4:1-3,

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

This passage does speak to how we are to behave specifically towards fellow believers, and is just as relevant and applicable as the verse from Romans. It is grievous how much in-fighting there is to be seen on social media this year among professing believers who are voting for candidates on opposite sides of the spectrum.

What we as believers must understand is that our ability to be unified with our fellow Christians is not based upon some arbitrary, earthly, and passing-away standard as who you vote for. No, unity among believers is based upon our fellow redemption that is found through the blood of Christ shed for us all. If we are unified in your Savior, we can and should live that out – with a gracious and loving attitude to match! – with our fellow believer, regardless of who they voted for.


  • Have a Big Picture Perspective

Hard days may be ahead, no matter who wins this election at the end of the day. Riots could break out, civil unrest may be coming, and religious persecution may then be next. This is why we must have and keep a big-picture perspective.

As believers, may we purpose to never base our hope in a politician, political party, or election result. Instead, may we always place our ultimate hope solely in our God, remembering that no matter who is in the White House, our God is on the throne!


Not only is He on the throne, but He cannot be removed from that throne, voted out of that office, or canceled. With this wonderful good news in mind, may we as believers rest well and be at peace, resting in the knowledge that our Lord wins in the end, and nothing can shake our eternity in the Kingdom of God.


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