Announcing the #NoMoreMundane Instagram Campaign


I’m really excited to be able to announce today something that I have been planning behind the scenes for a few weeks now. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I have started using the hashtag #nomoremundane when I post about topics pertaining to mothering and homemaking. This hashtag idea came from a guest post I wrote last fall for a friend of mine when the ebook version of Lies Moms Believe released. 

This post was entitled “Rethinking ‘Mundane’ Motherhood” and was all about how I became convicted last year about using the word “mundane” in reference to the work I do in my home and for my family. I wrote in that post, in part:

As I was working on a blog post on this topic last year and then again as I was writing Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) this year, I have been convicted of this use of the word “mundane”, determining not to even use this word anymore in reference to the tasks of mothering and homemaking. I want to instead make it my mission to work towards having my vocabulary reflect the way God views the work I do as a mom within my home, and not as the culture views it.

This may seem a bit extreme to you, and if it does, I understand! After all, you’re probably thinking, How can I not view cleaning the bathtub or mopping the kitchen floor as being “mundane”? What is not mundane about doing the laundry for the fifth time this week?

Hear me out, sweet mama. The work you do for your family is, when viewed through the lens of the Gospel, anything but mundane! It is anything but unimportant or without purpose! In fact, it could be said that the work of mothering is so impactful that it truly alters the very course of nations! As the saying goes, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world!”

Why “Mundane” and “Motherhood” Don’t Mix

When we understand the full lasting implications of the work of a mother, when we grasp the fact that we are raising up the leaders of tomorrow, when we realize that the work we do within our homes directly shapes what our world will look like 20, 30, 40 years from now, and when we understand that our mission to train up our children in the way that they should go (Proverbs 22:6), and our work to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord will directly influence whether or not our children follow after Christ, we will begin to see just how important and purposeful the tasks of mothering truly are – even tasks like cleaning or cooking!

(You can read the full article here!)

This has become a message I am incredibly passionate about, because the fact of the matter is this: we will never perform our work as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23), with passion, fervor, purpose, and vision, unless we grasp the fact down deep in our toes that our work is not at all “mundane”. The word “mundane” refers to that which is merely earthly and temporal, as opposed to that which is heavenly or eternal. We know is not applicable to the work we do on a daily basis!


What the Campaign is All About/The Logistics

It is with this message in mind that I am excited to announce the Instagram campaign I will be hosting next week, from Monday, March 26th – Wednesday, March 28th, (just in time for the March 30th release of the print version of Lies Moms Believe and the new Lies Moms Believe Companion Bible Study!). I say it’s high time we take back the importance of homemaking and mothering and begin to encourage and lift up one another with the joyful realization that what we do is important, world-changing work. What do you say, ladies? Let’s do this! 

Each day of the campaign we will be posting our own individual pictures on Instagram which will go along with the following prompts we will each be using:

Monday the 26th – Your biggest mothering struggle, but also what the Lord is teaching you through it *OR* Your least favorite homemaking/mothering task, but how you are beginning to see purpose in it

Tuesday the 27th – Your most special mothering moment thus far when you realized, perhaps for the first time, just how important your work as a mom really is

Wednesday the 28th –  Your favorite Bible verse or quote which encourages you when motherhood or homemaking begin to feel mundane

We will also be sure to use the hashtag #nomoremundane in each of our posts throughout the course of the campaign, and encourage our followers to join us in “@rebekahhargraves’ #nomoremundane Instagram Campaign”! The more the merrier!


My Sweet Co-hosts

I am so excited and incredibly touched that no fewer than 18 women have chosen to partner with me in this Instagram campaign as co-hosts! Several of these ladies are dear blogging friends of mine, but a few of them I don’t know quite as well and really look forward to getting to know more as we journey throughout the course of this campaign together. My co-hosts for this campaign are:


Kayla Nelson is a very dear friend of mine and the design guru behind the front cover of both Lies Moms Believe and Lies Moms Believe: The Companion Bible Study. She is wife to Andrew, mama to four little boys, and the branding and print media designer over at Kayla J Nelson Branding and Design. You can find her on Instagram at @kayla_j_nelson.


Angel Penn is an encourager extraordinaire. In the online world, comparison can spread quickly, but this dear woman is so different! This sweet blogging friend of mine will cheer you on, support you, help you in your online endeavors, and push you toward the finish line of your dreams. She is amazing! She is wife to James, mama to three boys, and gifted writer over at Experience His Freedom. You can find her on Instagram at @angelpenn.


Naomi Quick inspires me in so many ways. She is an author, speaker, and adoption and foster care advocate. Wife to John, mama to 6 blessings (both biological and adopted), and encouraging writer over at 127 Living, Naomi inspires others to walk out their Christian faith by loving and caring for the widow and orphan. You can find her on Instagram at @livingout127. You can also hear her share her adoption journey on this episode of the Home and Hearth podcast


Rebekah Thompson is such a blessing in my life! She is the founder of a Facebook group for Christian bloggers that has meant so much to me in the past year and a half. She is wife to Ben, mama to four boys, and writer over at Surviving Toddlerhood, where it is her passion to encourage fellow mamas of littles, share ideas for natural living, and inspire moms to truly thrive during the postpartum season. You can find her on Instagram at @survivingtoddlerhood, and can hear her thoughts on raising littles on this episode of the Home and Hearth podcast.


Lauren Moye is a mama who is passionate about encouraging fellow mamas and pointing them to the Lord. She has been a great encouragement to me, and I’m so glad she has decided to join us for this campaign! She is a wife, mama, and gifted writer over at Chaotic Life of Lauren. You can also find her on Instagram at @creativelifeoflauren.


Hannah Christensen is the sweet blogging friend who so graciously allowed me to write the post for her which I quoted from above. She is wife to David, mama to three little girls, and the uplifting writer over at Lovely Little Lives. You can also find her on Instagram at @lovelylittlelives.


Abby Barstow is a pro at doing these IG campaigns, so she is so sweet to have signed on to be a part of mine! She is wife to Seth and mama to two little boys and a new baby girl on the way. She writes, creates courses, and generally encourages us over at the Joyful Homemaker’s Club. You can also find her on Instagram at @abbybarstow.


Marisa Boonstra inspires me to be more intentional in raising my kids to the glory of God, to train them up in the way that they should go, and to immerse them in the truths of God’s Word. She is wife to Gregg, mama to a daughter and a son, and the edifying writer over at Called to Mothering. You can also find her on Instagram at @calledtomothering.


Sabrina Scheerer is such a sweetheart! When the ebook version of Lies Moms Believe released, she encouraged me so much when she wrote the absolute sweetest review of it on her blog. She is wife to a soldier, mama to 5 kiddos, and the writer over at Kids, Crunch, and Christ. You can also find her on Instagram at @sabrinascheerer.


Kyrie Perry is a sweet sister in Christ and a business coach who is passionate about “inspiring and empowering women to live the life they love” and equipping them to build their own businesses from home. She is a wife, mama of 3, and entrepreneur who can be found on Instagram at @theguiltfreemompreneur.


Hannah Carson is such a sweet friend and encourager to me, even though I haven’t even known her all that long. She’s become such a treasured member of the Lies Moms Believe Launch Team, and I’m so grateful for that! She is a wife, mama of two little girls, and can be found on Instagram at @farmerblacksdaughter.


Laura Porras is a sweet gal who recently joined a FB group I serve as an admin of, Christian Moms of Littles. She is a wife and the mama of a little miracle baby born at 26 weeks. I’m so thrilled to have her joining us! You can find her on Instagram at @our.blessed.mess.


Hayley Baxter is another sweet member of the Lies Moms Believe Launch Team, and I appreciate her encouragement so much. She is a wife and mama and can be found on Instagram at @hayleybaxter8.


Molly McCormick Bennett has been a joy to get to know over the past month or so. She is a wife, mama, artist and writer at Eat.Craft.Run. Molly can be found on Instagram at


Allyson Reid is passionate about encouraging fellow moms to “look to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith”. She is a wife, mama of a sweet little boy, and writer over at Rapt Motherhood. She can also be found on Instagram at @raptmotherhood.


Nicolle Gonzalez is also a member of Christian Moms of Littles, and is a wife and mama of two. I’m so thrilled to have her joining us for this campaign! 



Sarah Mitchell is another awesome member of the Lies Moms Believe Launch Team, and I’m so thrilled to have her joining us for the campaign! She also is a wife and mama.



Jenna Burns is yet another awesome member of the Lies Moms Believe Launch Team. She, too, is a fellow wife and mama of two, and I’m so happy she has chosen to join us in this campaign as a co-host.


The Big Giveaway!!

Also! Last but not least on our list of important info about next week’s campaign on Instagram, we are offering a super exciting giveaway that each and every person who uses the hashtag #nomoremundane throughout the course of the campaign will be entered into! Because this campaign is occurring during launch week for the print version of my books, Lies Moms Believe and Lies Moms Believe: The Companion Bible Study, the giveaway will include:

  • Print version of Lies Moms Believe 
  • Print version of Lies Moms Believe: The Companion Bible Study
  • 14 oz. white “Living the Mom-Life” mug (dishwasher safe!)
  • Chocolate

Just in time for Mother’s Day! So, let’s see those hashtags! 



I am really excited about this campaign and can’t wait to see your photos for the daily prompts! Please partner with me in prayer that this campaign would greatly encourage and inspire the women who will come across it who may have been viewing the work they do as being “mundane”. Please pray that they would be changed as their outlook is changed to be more in accordance with the Lord’s view of the importance of homemaking and mothering. Thank you for being a part of this ministry! Let’s not just start finding the meaning in the “mundane”; let’s stop using the word “mundane” altogether in reference to our work as moms and homemakers! Change needs to happen in how we view this work, and perhaps that change can start with next week’s campaign! Thank you for joining me!


If you could use more encouragement for your journey of motherhood, I invite you to join me for my free 7 Day email course, Mothering by the Book: God’s Design for Motherhood.  Sign up here and also receive a discount on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them!) as a little gift of congratulations for completing the course! 

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