Book Review: “Just in Case You Ever Wonder” by Max Lucado

Though my mama was usually the one who would read aloud to me, there is one book in particular that stands out in my memory as having been one my Daddy read to me – “Just in Case You Ever Wonder” by Max Lucado.

I was delighted to discover that there is now a new revised edition available, replete with new illustrations but the same old delightful words.

I write a lot on my blog about the evils of legalism and how it can cause you to view God as being a hard taskmaster who is nearly impossible to please. If you have struggled with this false caricature of God in your mind and if you want your children to either be free of it themselves or else never come to entertain it in the first place, this children’s book would be a wonderful addition to your family library!

There are so many delightful themes in this book, including how your child has been uniquely made, is an image bearer of God, and is precious to you. It continues on into themes of parental care and responsibility to love and provide for children, the promise that mom and dad will always be there for them, and then ultimately the truth that, no matter what, God loves and cares for them Himself – and always will. 

If you want your children to grow up knowing and delighting in God’s unconditional love for them – or if you want to be reminded of it every time you read this book aloud to your kids! – then this is the book for you! The words are timeless, the illustrations are delightful, and I highly, highly recommend it! 


To enter to win your own copy, click here!


*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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