Book Review: “Dear Sister, Letters of Hope and Encouragement” by Gisela Yohannan


When I was reached out to with the opportunity to review Gisela Yohannan’s book, “Dear Sister, Letters of Hope and Encouragement”, I jumped at it. After all, our family finds ourselves in a season this year that is new, challenging, and certainly leads us to needing some hope and encouragement! While this book is a series of letters from a missionary  on foreign soil to fellow missionaries, the encouragement found within the book was still able to be a balm to my own soul, even though I find myself in a very different life than the original audience.


Here is the official description, along with more about Gisela:


Do you long to feel hope in the times of sorrow? In Dear Sister, Gisela Yohannan describes the events in her life that have brought her joy and sorrow. Through this compilation of letters written over seven years, the wife of K.P. Yohannan encourages her spiritual sisters to find hope in the hard times and to encourage others as they may face challenging events in their lives. She shares the promise of new beginnings and hope in Jesus that will empower you to be a blessing to those around you.

About the Author

Gisela Yohannan serves the Lord along with her husband, K.P. Yohannan, who is the Director of Gospel for Asia. Gisela has ministered to thousands of Christian workers in many counties. She is the author of four well-known books: Broken for a Purpose, Consider Your Call, Dear Sister and Let Me Walk with You. Gisela’s life and commitment to the Lord are a challenge and encouragement to many.

In this series of letters written between the years 1999 and 2005, Gisela writes words of encouragement, empathy, and unwavering truth, addressing such topics as teaching by example, the importance of your testimony, how transformation starts in your mind, being  empowered for ministry, filling your heart with the Word of God, facing your problems with prayer, growing your faith, God’s amazing love, breaking the captivity of your past, and so much more (there are 42 letters in total, each on a different topic!).

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and think you will, too! Speaking of – I’ve got some great news for you! If you click on this link, you can access a free download of the book for yourself! May you be encouraged.



*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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