Book Review: “For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God is Better Than Knowing it All” by Robin Dance

When I first became a mom, I distinctly remember having a fear that one day my child might grow up to experience doubts about the Christian faith. I was raised in a Christian home, became a believer at a young age, and have a strong faith now in my late 20s. I wanted the same for my child, and any thought of anything but this happening for her, as well, scared me deeply.

And then I heard my mothering hero, Sally Clarkson, talk about doubt on her podcast one day. A mama of four grown children, Sally shared that when her own kids began to experience doubts about their faith, she was quick to not shame them for it, attempt to force them to have no doubts, or shove all the truth in the Word down their throats at once, in order to ward off the doubt.

No, instead, she embraced them and their doubt and helped them walk through those seasons. Why? Because she realized that our children have to at some point experience a bit of doubt, begin asking some questions, and wrestle through some issues, in order to truly make their faith their own, to make it a living faith in their own hearts and not just something they attempt to piggyback off their parents on.

The reality of that truth brought me so much peace. So, naturally, when the opportunity arose for me to read and review Robin Dance’s new book, “For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God is Better Than Knowing it All”, I jumped at it!

Part memoir, part Christian living book, “For All Who Wander” is a great read whether you are dealing with struggles in your own faith or know someone who is.

The reality of our living in a broken world means that there will be seasons that are incredibly hard, seasons where we will face doubts, harbor questions, and try to reconcile how a good God can allow such completely awful things to happen. Thus, doubts can begin to arise very quickly!

Robin is like a big sister who takes you by the hand, commiserates with your pain and struggle and lets you know you are not alone, but then also lifts you back up and walks with you along the path to faith, peace, and assurance.

She faithfully reminds us that God can handle our questions and our doubts, that it is in the path of questioning where God can build our faith the most, and that He is ready and willing to come alongside us and prove Himself to us, opening our eyes to His goodness, presence, and love.

In addition to these topics, Robin also touches on the importance of doing life in community, getting over ourselves, letting go of people-pleasing, and so much more.

It’s a great read, and I highly recommend it!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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