Book Review: “God, I Know You’re There” by Bonnie Rickner Jensen + Giveaway!

If you are a mama, auntie, grandmother, teacher, youth worker, or someone who just regularly does life among children, you have likely been asked the questions, “Where is God?”, “Why can’t I see Him?”, or “How can I know God is real if I can’t even see Him?” more than once! If you have ever struggled with knowing how best to answer these questions, Bonnie Rickner Jensen and illustrator Lucy Fleming have banded together to provide you (and me!) with the perfect resource to equip us to teach the children in our lives about the reality and existence of God.

I was so excited to receive a copy of the brand new board book “God, I Know You’re There” in the mail to review and read to my children. Both of my littles were absolutely mesmerized by the beautiful and enchanting artwork contained in this book, while the words themselves were just what my little ones needed to better grasp the existence of a God they can’t see.

Some of my favorite of the lyrical lines of this book were:

Wind, I can’t see you.

Still I know you’re there.

I feel you dance across my face

And rustle in my hair.

Snowflake, I can’t trace your crystals.

Still I know you’re there.

You’ve been designed so I won’t find

One like you anywhere.

and the one on the last page:

God, I can’t see You.

Still I know You’re there.

You’re in the love I give away –

The sparkle when I care.

And if Your love is what I show,

My heart is fuller still, I know.

If you are looking for a whimsical, beautiful, bright, colorful, comforting, and inspirational read-aloud to enjoy with your children and encourage them in their walks with the Lord, “God, I Know You’re There” would be perfect for you!

And I have great news! You can now enter to win a giveaway for a copy of this book for yourself! Click here or click the banner below to enter the giveaway!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

One thought on “Book Review: “God, I Know You’re There” by Bonnie Rickner Jensen + Giveaway!

  1. Hi Bonnie! Loved your books. I both each of my grandchildren one, that we have custody of now. Still need to get to the reunion so I can get them signed! I need to start on my great grandkids now!! Have two beautiful girls. Keep writing!!! Doing a great job and are so proud of you!! Love you!

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