Book Review: “Room 1010: An Uplifting Story of Faith, Hope, and Inspiration” by Billye Survis


When the opportunity arose to review “Room 1010: An Uplifting Story of Faith, Hope, and Inspiration”, I knew this was a book I wanted to read right away. I have my own story of being a 10 year old girl with a miraculous recovery following a rare type of surgery, so this book and the true story it tells spoke to me deeply.

Here is the book’s official description:

Room 1010 is an uplifting, true story of how one little girl’s faith inspired people from across the world to come together to pray for her and for a miracle.

Elynn had just turned ten when tragedy struck. She suffered a traumatic injury that left her and her family with many unknowns. At a time when COVID-19 was running rampant and the entire world seemed to be in chaos, word of Elynn’s accident quickly spread to friends, family, and strangers across the globe who heard her story and began to pray for her.

Through every challenge, Elynn’s faith showed through. Despite her excruciatingly painful injury and recovery, she never complained or asked, “Why me?” She felt God chose her for this accident to help bring people to Him. Her faith, determination, and perseverance grew stronger as she worked with the doctors, nurses, and caregivers throughout her miraculous surgery and recovery.

The foreword for Room 1010 was written by Elynn’s Physician, Dr. John C. Densmore, MD, of Children’s Hospital & Medical College of Wisconsin.

This book is a breathtaking testament to the miracle-working power of God and His presence with us through everything. One of my favorite quotes from the book was this one:

I can see He was with us every step of the way – from doctors recognizing the signs of Elynn having suffered a more serious injury than we initially thought, to Dr. Densmore being her surgeon, to Dr. Densmore’s study group having reviewed this exact injury and how to treat it just the day before Elynn arrived at the emergency room at Children’s Hospital – there was Jesus! When we received the message that Elynn’s surgery had been successful, and later found out she was the first in the world to undergo this surgery successfully – there was Jesus! When Elynn was released to go home after just 12 days, when we were initially told she could be in the hospital four or more months  – there was Jesus!

If you are looking for a true story to read to build your faith or the faith of your children, look no further than “Room 1010”! This book will comfort you, encourage you, and remind you that the Lord is near, with you always, and caring so deeply for you every day of your life.

You can learn more about this young girl who survived an accident and a surgery that had never been survived by a child before here. You can also check out the book trailer here and enter a giveaway to win your own copy of the book here.

One thought on “Book Review: “Room 1010: An Uplifting Story of Faith, Hope, and Inspiration” by Billye Survis

  1. I really needed to hear this myself for I too am going through something similar. I believe with all my heart that GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I also agree that we all experience different types of things in our lives whether they are accidents, sicknesses, domestic violence, and many other others we are His witnesses. We are to go out and tell the world all about Him share the great news.

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