Book Review: “Stand All the Way Up: Stories of Staying In It When You Want to Burn It All Down” by Sophie Hudson

Ok, guys, if you are already familiar at all with Sophie Hudson (and if you’re not, you’re in for a treat!), then you know she is absolutely hilarious! When the opportunity arose to review her brand new book, “Stand All the Way Up: Stories of Staying In It When You Want to Burn It All Down”, I jumped at it!

True to form, this book is written in story/essay style, covering a whole wide range of topics from health, body image, and weight issues to grief, capsule wardrobes, everyday mishaps, and more. And it is absolutely hilarious!

I firmly believe this is the book we all so desperately needed this year, and I see God’s hands all over the timing of its June 2020 release! It has been a grueling year for so many of us in so many different ways, and this book will uplift you and make you belly laugh at a time when I have a feeling you sorely need just that!

This book is more than just uplifting and hilarious, though. It is also full of depth and substance, as well.

Sophie “goes there” and addresses some of the issues in the church that have been largely ignored and swept under the rug for far too long and calls us up to something greater. Her love for the church comes through so clearly on every page, and it is this love which leads her to inspire the church to be better, to be the best they can be, to the glory of God.

This book is fun, funny, encouraging, practical, inspiring, and convicting. I highly recommend you pick up a copy! It truly is the book for 2020.

* I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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