Book Review: “Who’s Your Daddy?: Discovering the Awesomest Daddy Ever” by Lisa and Missy Harper


I was recently given a complimentary copy of Lisa Harper’s new book, “Who’s Your Daddy?” in exchange for my honest review.


In this delightful children’s book replete with endearing words and beautiful illustrations, young Missy comes to terms with the realization that she has no earthly father in her life. It’s just her and her adoptive mama. She begins to hear from friends at school some of the things that children tend to do with their daddies and begins to feel a void in her life for the first time.


Her mama teaches her that even when little ones don’t have skin daddies (i.e. Daddies with skin on), they always have their Heavenly Father to turn to and rely on, for He is the best Daddy there is!


As Missy is learning about the attributes of her ultimate Daddy, she excitedly begins to share with the kids at school what she knows about her Heavenly Father and what a wonderful Daddy He truly is.


What I was especially grateful for about this book was its emphasis on being relevant, applicable, and helpful for children of all backgrounds and situations, no matter what the reason may be as to why their earthly daddies are not present in their lives. This book is not just for those children whose earthly fathers have died, left them, or put them up for adoption. Mention is even given to military kids and how their fathers sometimes have to go away for long periods of time. As a military wife, I deeply appreciated this observance being included in the book.

No matter what the reasoning might be behind the little one in your life not having their father around, this book is sure to be a comfort and encouragement to them as it reminds them that they are never truly alone and always have a Heavenly Father with them.

This book would also be an excellent resource to share with your children even if their earthly daddy is in their lives, because it would open their eyes to the reality that not all children have daddies the way they do and this can help instill empathy, compassion, and consideration in their hearts for others.

This book was a joy to read, and I thoroughly recommend it!

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