Book Review: “Why God?: Big Answers About God and Why We Believe in Him” by Dan Dewitt

As a parent, I am always on the lookout for great books that will teach my kids the truths of God’s Word in ways they can understand, books that will equip them in the area of apologetics.

So, naturally, when the opportunity arose to review Dan DeWitt’s new book, “Why God?: Big Answers About God and Why We Believe in Him”, I jumped at it!

This book did not at all disappoint! In fact, I would say it went above and beyond my expectations. From the title, I assumed the feel of the book would be more like that of a nonfiction read, but it actually reads as a story between a mom and her two children who have questions about God one day. While a nonfiction apologetics book for kids would have been fine, I think the storybook nature of this resource really brought my children into the story and peaked their interest even more. I highly recommend this title for parents who are seeking to equip their kids to believe in and proclaim the existence of God.

“Why God?” begins with Thomas and his sister Hope having questions for their mom to answer. The real question of the day is, “Why God? My friend Richard at school doesn’t believe in God. So, why do we believe in Him?”

Their mom then takes them through the garden asking them questions such as “Where do flowers come from?”, “Where do you think seeds come from?”, and “Did you know that if our planet were even a little bit closer to the sun, it would be too hot for us to live here?”, opening their eyes to the reality that these phenomenons cannot be explained apart from an all-wise Creator God.

This book is deep and rich theologically while also whimsical, beautiful, and fun in its illustrations and wording. I highly recommend it to Christian parents, teachers, and grandparents everywhere!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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