Book Review: “With All Your Heart: Living Joyfully Through Allegiance to King Jesus” by Christine Hoover

If there is something that the Lord has been working in my heart about and opening my eyes to lately, as a result of this pandemic and corresponding quarantine, it is that I have idols in my heart that I have been giving daily allegiance to, without fully realizing it. I have been putting my focus on and finding my fulfillment from things like movie nights with friends, Saturday morning writing times at the coffee shop, date nights out, etc. to make myself feel like I’m having a good week or can get through a hard day.

And, wouldn’t you know it, just as I am having this reality brought front and center to the forefront of my mind, Christine Hoover’s brand new book, “With All Your Heart: Living Joyfully Through Allegiance to King Jesus” releases and is sent to me for review! God is in the details, my friend!

This book truly could not have launched at a more perfect time as so many of us are having our allegiance to idols (i.e. the idols of comfort, me-time, trips to the library or zoo, ease, and more) shaken and found to be wanting. We are being forced, in this time, to reevaluate where our joy and fulfillment come from (and where they should come from instead!). This book will walk you through this very season in such an eye-opening and life-giving way!

With All Your Heart” is divided up into three main sections. The first sets out to explain for us how it is that Jesus is King, why He alone deserves our allegiance, and what His character is like. This emphasis on His character is such a gift, as it will inspire you to truly shift your allegiance to Him when otherwise it might feel especially hard to do so.

The second part of the book goes through and discusses many of the common idols we give false allegiance to on a daily basis – things such as anxiety, image, control, isolation, escape, approval, and comfort.

The third part of the book presents to us the unshakable kingdom we have to live in light of now and look forward to in eternity. The truth is that the false objects of our allegiance that we commonly give ourselves to are simply not able to provide us with truly lasting joy, fulfillment, or peace. Only allegiance to King Jesus is able to do that. And Christine Hoover is here to show you the way! I highly recommend this book, and encourage you to take Christine up on her offer to help you walk through this journey!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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