Book Review: “You are More Than You’ve Been Told” by Hosanna Wong

I am always getting sent books to review (talk about a dream job for this bibliophile! 😉 ), and I have read countless wonderful books throughout the course of the past 7 years writing on this platform. But I can honestly say that Hosanna Wong’s brand new book (that literally just launched today!) is one of the very best books I’ve read yet.

“You are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Though the Rhythms of Jesus” is a book unlike any other Christian living resource I have ever read. She does not regurgitate the same old points, and she does not present truth in the same old ways. As many books as I read in the Christian living genre every year and as many authors and their words as I am familiar with, in all that time there were points Hosanna made that I had never heard before and that blew my mind – including on topics I thought I already knew all about (take, for example, what she teaches about abiding in Christ and how, scientifically, a branch goes about abiding on the vine – it’s deep and mind-blowing!).

Before I get much further, though, here is the book’s official description:


You don’t have to live disconnected from yourself or from God.

Have you ever felt unseen, unwanted, or unworthy? If so, you’re not crazy. You’ve been told lies your whole life. From the beginning of time, the enemy has been fighting against you knowing who you really are, so you never live the full life you were created to live. But there is good news…

There is a way to know who you really are, and live like it, every single day. It’s shockingly practical, down-to-earth, and tangible.

While Jesus was on earth, He lived a lifestyle of rhythms that helped Him fight the lies of the enemy. Through His habits, we will discover a roadmap to living lighter, and living as who we really are.

In You Are More Than You’ve Been Told, spoken word artist and bestselling author Hosanna Wong unveils a fresh approach to spiritual disciplines as the practical ways we can stay connected to God and to our true selves. She will help you:

  • identify the lies that have held you back and uncover important truths about who you are and have always been,
  • discover tangible tools to help you heal from deep wounds and see God in the most tender places of your story, and
  • unlock four key rhythms that will help you be free of burdens you were never meant to carry.

You are more than what people have said about you. You are more than what you have done and what’s been done to you. It turns out—You will know who you really are when you spend real time with the One who knows you the best. Let this practical roadmap show you how.

One of the things I love most about this book is how surprising its content was to me. At first glance, if you just focus in on the title itself (and not the subtitle – that obviously reveals so much more!), it might seem like just another self-help, confidence-boosting, feel-good read. But it isn’t. It is so much more than that and so deeply steeped in solid Biblical truth (while also giving you warm feelings of believing you are hearing from a true friend – Hosanna’s writing voice is a delight to the soul!). This book is not about getting to know yourself by yourself – relying on the Enneagram, personality tests, and what you uncover when you look in the mirror. It is about getting to know yourself through the One Who made you, and that makes all the difference in the world!

Another thing I love so much about this book is – as the description so aptly points out – just how practical it truly is. I love a good ole practical how-to, and this book is that and so much more! With emphasis on Scripture, prayer, rest, and community as the four rhythms you need to help you in your walk, Hosanna points out the daily rhythms that Jesus Himself lived out specifically as a direct example for us in how to live the abundant life and abide in the Lord. The four gospels are not just nice stories to read. They contain life principles from Jesus that are actually meant to change how you live your day-to-day, moment-by-moment life.

If you are wanting to grow in your walk with the Lord in a tangible, practical manner, if you want to come to a deeper understanding of who you are and what your identity is in Christ, and if you want to be well equipped to fight back against the enemy in spiritual warfare, this book is for you! I highly, highly recommend it.

And I’ve got great news for you! If you click here, you can enter to win a copy of your own! 


While you’re at it, why not check out this incredible video that will give you an even better idea of Hosanna’s ministry:



*I received a complementary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


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