Curriculum Review: 3rd Grade Bible from AOP’s LIFEPAC


Alpha Omega Publications (AOP) reached out to me a few months ago regarding their brand new and expanded LIFEPAC curriculum, asking if I would be interested in receiving one of their courses to review. As a homeschool graduate currently homeschooling and nannying full time, I excitedly jumped at this opportunity!

AOP has been amazing to work with throughout this review process, allowing me to request the course subject and grade of my choice. Because I currently did not have a specific Bible curriculum to go through with the gal I nanny, I requested their 3rd grade Bible curriculum.



First of all, what I love about the LIFEPAC branch of their curriculum specifically is that it is entirely student-paced, making it wonderful for a variety of different students and their needs.



The LIFEPAC Bible curriculum  (see sample pages here) covers a whole host of topics across the different grade levels. The 3rd grade curriculum specifically is focused on “God’s Word, Jesus, and You”, containing 10 units covering topics such as:

  • “Living for God” (i.e. through worship, praise, obedience, etc.)
  • “The Life of Jesus Christ” (i.e. the account of Mary and Joseph, Jesus’ ministry, and His death and resurrection)
  •  “God’s Plan for Joseph” (i.e. the dream he had, being sold into slavery, and God’s redemptive plan)
  • “You Can Use the Bible” (i.e. the books of the Bible, how to memorize the Word, how to find verses and study the Bible)
  • “God Takes Care of His People” (i.e. He loves, guides, protects, and blesses His people)
  • “The Bible is God’s Word” (i.e. who wrote the Word, how God preserves His Word, and how it changes lives)
  • “Archaeology and the Bible” (i.e. searching for treasure, clues from Bible stories, etc.)
  • “God Gave Us the Need for Friends” (i.e. loving others and our own need for friendship)
  • “God’s People Help Others” (i.e. all people are made in God’s image and we are to love and serve one another)
  • “God’s Word, Jesus, and You” (i.e. God speaks to His people, Jesus and the Word, etc.)

Each section in each unit begins with a list of the vocabulary words which will be covered in that sections’s story or topic. What immediately follows is a Bible story, which is then followed by study questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and other comprehension tools.

Then come other related Bible stories or the continuation of the story you have already read. More study questions, an in-real-life story to illustrate the lesson at hand, and then a self-test at the end of that section of the unit.

We have absolutely loved this Bible curriculum, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. It’s fun, interesting, educational, true to the Scriptures, and enjoyable. Not only does it teach God’s Word, but it also equips your student with the practical side of knowing how to also live it out in real life. This curriculum will definitely whet your child’s appetite for the things of God and the truths of His Word, and inspire him or her to be a light for Him.

To grab your own LIFEPAC Bible curriculum set, head here!


Thank you again to AOP for this excellent resource and for inviting me to review it! 

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