HandH 200: Women on Mission with Mischelle Manis


Mischelle Manis works for Reaching Souls International, an organization which supports national, indigenous missionaries, and as the director of women’s ministries with the organization, she is passionate about equipping and encouraging women to understand God’s heart for them. We pray you’ll come away from this episode encouraged and fired up for how you, too, can advance the Kingdom right where you are.

What We Chat about in Today’s Episode:

~What Reaching Souls International does

~How efficient and affective it is to train indigenous missionaries to serve in their own countries, as opposed to just sending American missionaries overseas to them

~What Mischelle’s day-to-day work looks like and how she comes alongside these female indigenous missionaries and serves them

~How sitting with missionaries from foreign countries reveals just how much you have in common, even despite the language barrier; why understanding these similarities is so important

~How Mischelle came to be in this position with Reaching Souls International

~Women and their unique giftings

~How it came to be that women were added as national missionaries in Reaching Souls International

~Mischelle’s experience of losing a son to suicide and how the Lord got her through that

~The truth that Jesus understands pain, grief, and loss and has compassion for us when we walk through it

~The peace that comes with knowing that the Lord understands the “why”s behind what we walk through

~How what we go through equips us to serve others

~God’s tender heart for His daughters and helping them to understand their importance in the kingdom of God

~What Hannah’s story reveals about the heart of God towards His daughters

~Ways that women and children can reach others in ways men can’t; why understanding this is important when it comes to the Great Commission

~The truth that women were the last at the cross and the first at the tomb; what this points to

~Understanding that women were not left out when the Lord handed out spiritual gifts; why this is important to remember

~How people can become involved with Reaching Souls International

~And more!

Resources Mentioned

Offer for a free audiobook and 30 day trial membership from Audible: www.audibletrial.com/HomeandHearth

Reaching Souls International

The Kite Runner

In the Mountains Echoed

The Liturgy in the Ordinary



“When you sit with a missionary from a different country speaking a different language, you realize just how much you actually have in common and how similar you are.”

“Men and women are different. Women are unique, with unique giftings. Women have a very nurturing spirit and tend to see people that others do not. That’s been something really beautiful about watching these women as missionaries.”

“It is like being shaken when you suffer a loss like this. My whole foundation of faith seemed to be shaking, and I suddenly discovered what that is like. I was angry, hurt, and lost in my confusion over how to handle the loss of my son. Sometimes I look back and don’t know how I got through it. But really I actually do know.  It’s because I’m tethered to Christ. Or, should I say, He’s tethered to me. His promises are true. He does not leave us or forsake us. That’s how I got through it. It was all by God’s grace – He did it all. It was by His grace that I even got out of bed.”

“My Jesus understands grief. He understands loss. Trusting that my Jesus knew what I was feeling and had compassion on that kept me going.”

“I can’t explain why I lost my son to suicide. But I can trust that the Lord understands and knows why. And that is enough for me. Because I know that He is good.”

“What I have gone through has equipped me to be a vessel used by God to comfort and reach others.”

“Nothing can stand in the way of you being able to be used as a vessel for the Lord. You could never be too broken to be beyond repair. The Lord brings beauty from ashes and can bring good from everything that happens in our lives.”

“Hannah discovered the heart of God for His daughters. He is tender towards them. Women are close to the heart of God.”

“Women and children are the most vulnerable in any society, and because of that, they are able to reach people that people in more authoritative positions often can’t. The Lord did not leave women out when He was handing out spiritual gifts.”



Websites – Reaching Souls International

Instagram – @reaching_souls

Facebook – Reaching Souls


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