Resource Review: The 2023 ANM Missions Gift Catalog


Every Christmas season, we tend to scratch our heads a bit trying to figure out how to give back this time of year, don’t we? We want to serve, give to charity, and be the hands and feet of Jesus to others, but sometimes we just don’t know how.

Well, I have good news for us all! Advancing Native Missions has released their 2023 Gift Catalog, a wonderful resource that takes the guess work out of serving others this Christmas season!


Here is the official info from Advancing Native Missions about their 2023 Gift Catalog and the impact your gift could have:


Everyone needs to hear the Gospel message, but some have never had the chance. The Gift Catalog contains more than 20 gifts that have an eternal impact.

Every gift in the ANM Gift Catalog delivers the love of Jesus in practical ways. You can give a new Christian their very first Bible, provide a child with the first pair of shoes that truly fit, supply livestock and years of reliable food for a family, or purchase a bicycle for a pastor who walks miles daily.


This is a wonderful family tradition that can engage the whole family this Christmas season.


This Christmas, not only can we give a tangible gift that helps to feed a family or shoe a child, but we also get the opportunity to give the gift of the Gospel right alongside it. Everyone needs to hear the Gospel message, but some have never had the chance. That is where the gift catalog comes in – by placing an order through this special catalog, you can not only give the gift of a chicken or a goat, but can also insure that the recipient of your gift will be given the good news of the gospel at the same time.

As you prayerfully choose gifts to purchase for someone in need, pray for hearts to be transformed, for new believers to be encouraged, for children to be provided for, for people reading the Bible for the first time to understand and embrace what they are reading, and for missionaries delivering these gifts and the Gospel message to be built up in their work.

There really is something for every price point, whether you can provide a $3 chicken, a $900 community toilet, or something in between.

This Christmas, give the gift of having both spiritual needs (through the gospel) as well as physical needs met, and watch lives change.


I am very impressed by this excellent resource and pray that you will serve as Jesus’ hands and feet this Christmas season by taking advantage of it.

As a thank you, head to this link here for a free downloadable coloring book, “An Unusual Day at Grandma and Granddaddy’s House”, which tells the story of four young kids who learn about generosity through a workday at their grandparents’ house by earning money to buy gifts from the gift catalog for those in need.

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