Resource Review: “You are Loved” Scripture Writing Journal and Affirmation Cards


Since founding the yearly Home and Hearth Scripture Writing Plan and accompanying Facebook group back in 2018, I have been passionate about the practice of Scripture writing and the impact it can have on a person’s life and their walk with Christ.

With that in mind, I was so excited when I was approached about reviewing the “You are Loved” Scripture writing journal and affirmation card set. Here is the official description of these products:


In a noisy world where we’re constantly bombarded by negative messages, the You Are Loved Collection delivers a much-needed dose of daily encouragement and soul-affirming messages from God’s heart to yours. Beautiful floral images set the background for the 52 4×4 Scripture Card Set, featuring affirmations and Scriptures from God’s Word for each week of the year. A matching Scripture Writing Journal complements the card set, with room to write scriptures and affirmations along with space to reflect and record daily thoughts.

When I received my package in the mail, I was delighted by the beautiful floral design of this journal and card set. The interior of the journal is just as delightful in design, as well.
What I really love about this Scripture writing journal, though, is that it not only provides you with the space, in a beautiful format, to write out daily Scripture passages which speak to who you are in Christ, but it also takes it a step further than just the practice of Scripture writing itself by providing space for you to prayerfully process through the Scripture you just wrote out.
This concept of prayerfully journaling through and processing and reflecting on Scripture is something I am passionate about as I have been on a journey lately of the Lord showing me the importance of slowing down, being still, seeking quiet, and, in the presence of God, listening to His voice and learning His truth. This beautiful journal is an excellent tool to help you do just that.
In addition to the journal, the 52 affirmation Scripture cards are a beautiful and impactful resource, as well, They walk you through 52 truths about who you are and what your identity is in Christ – truths such as “You are restored”, “You are valued”, “You are important”, “You are a child of God”, and “You are a light”. Each card has an affirmation on the front and then a passage of Scripture pointing to the truth of that affirmation on the back. If you or someone you know struggles to believe and walk in light of who God says you are, these cards would be the perfect resource for you.
I highly recommend this Scripture writing journal and card set, and find that they would make a wonderful Mother’s Day or birthday gift. And I have great news for you – you can use the code BLOG30 for 30% off your purchase in April or May of the “You are Loved” collection at this link!
Happy shopping!
Oh, and if you are looking for that perfect Mother’s Day or birthday gift? You can also enter to win a giveaway for a set by clicking here!
*I received a complementary copy of this resource set in exchange for my honest review.

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