A Spirit-Filled Approach to the Holiday Season

This article originally appeared on the Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine Blog and the rest can be read there.


It’s already nearly the end of November and the week of Thanksgiving! Can you believe it? This year has flown by faster than I ever thought possible. But whether we can imagine it or not, the reality is upon us: we are officially entering into the holiday season already. For many of us, this is an enjoyable season. For others of us, it’s a season fraught with sadness as a result of loss, past years of hurt, or family drama. But for pretty much all of us, this can be a season of exceedingly long to-do lists and all-too-common stress. 

How are we to combat this excessive stress and put an end to it once and for all? Can we even do that? Is that a realistic option for us?  Yes, I believe it is. But there is only one sure-fire way to make it happen, and that is:

By listening to the Lord rather than man.

We can be led astray by humans, but never by God. And that is what I want you to be reminded of this holiday season.


How to be Spirit-Filled and Spirit-Led this Holiday Season


Rather than scouring Pinterest for the “best”, most festive Christmas ideas, seeking the advice of Google’s greatest “experts” on how to have a restful, peaceful season, or attempting to meet all the expectations placed upon you by others, there is one answer to the restlessness faced by many of us this season; walk by the Spirit by communing with the Lord in prayer and listening for His answer.

Believe it or not, the truth is that our loving, compassionate Father God is intimately involved in our daily lives, even down to the most minute of details. And He wants to be your aid and your help today and every day. As you are approaching the busiest time of the year, get your holiday season off to a great start by seeking the Lord’s wisdom and direction for the days ahead. Only consider the glory of God, the unique needs and desires of your own family, and the good of others in your community whom you could minister to this season when deciding what to plan out for our holidays this year.

Don’t worry about impressing others, comparing yourself, scouring Pinterest tirelessly, or trying to top everyone else’s Thanksgiving or Christmas plans. Instead, walk by the Spirit. Seek the Lord’s will for your holiday season. Ask Him to show you what is and is not important this year. He will do just that for you! I promise.


To read the other tips, head to the Spirit-Filled Woman Magazine Blog.

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